The Secret of Ginshal - Part 5

It was a couple of hours later when they'd finally cleaned up the mess, the sheer thickness of Zarik's seed making it take much longer than Tavris had anticipated. They'd just been chatting as they heard the heavy footsteps of the other giants...

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The Secret of Ginshal - Part 4

The massive elf reached his hand back and rubbed the back of his neck nervously, this only pushing that gargantuan chest of his out more for Raevern to happily gawp at, grinning dumbly at those rolling expanses of bulging muscle. Tavris decided to cut...

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The Secret of Ginshal - Part 3

"That's good, how...far's your camp from here?", the larger male tried to control himself, already feeling his loincloth getting progressively-tighter around his expanding manhood. "It's not too far, I'd guess about a twenty minute walk", Tavris...

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The Secret of Ginshal - Part 2

"There we go, always works", he pulled Tavris free, grinning wickedly down at him before bringing him forwards again, this time jamming him against that behemoth chest of his, getting to work bouncing those gigantic pecs of his against the much smaller...

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The Secret of Ginshal - Part 1

Tavris wiped some sweat from his brow, working this deep in the Ginshal Overgrowth wasn't easily. Research Station 9 had only been in operation for around a week, but it had already collected far more data than most of the other stations put together,...

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The Newest Recruit

The party was travelling through the treacherous landscape of Kirggar, a mountainous region in central Kronthyr. The dwarves made their home in these mountains, and that's why the group had hired the dwarven runemaster Horgann Gravelhammer. He knew the...

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The Godhound

The guards stood aside, allowing the young cleric entry into the castle. James had never been asked to deliver a message to his king personally, and was more than a little nervous about the whole ordeal. He made his way down the numerous corridors, up...

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Lance Gets Lucky

A day spent at eye level of Blake's heavily-bouncing chest was wearing thin on the thief, his arousal throbbing painfully in his pants as those mountains of flesh danced beside his head. He never tired of how those goliath globes swayed in that tight...

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A trip to Iz'noth

The group were trekking through the murky and dank atmosphere of the Plagued Marsh, set on finding the small demon town of Iz'noth. Garv, the strongly-built human warrior, lead the way, along with Hirlef, the half-elven druid who had only recently...

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Meet the Party!

At the head of the group is Garv Stonewell, a titanic beast of a man. He hails from the town of Harath in the northern mountains, though his ancestry is rather unique; he's one of the few people born of parents from both Faerdeil and Dharar, this...

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Mysteries of Uldum

It was a wonderfully-sunny day on the South Seas, and the crew of The Stacked Coffer were gathered together in the ship's dining room to go over their new mission. Baelek stood over the table, the others crowded around it to look at the large map of...

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Gadgetzan: Capital of Engineering!

While the rest of the crew took the opportunity to relax and unwind, Rurik was eager to get some more experience in engineering from the locals, having heard that some of the most brilliant and skilled goblins lived in Gadgetzan. During a stroll...

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