Guardians: Chapter Five

Guardians: Chapter Five: The Beginning of an End Alyx opened his eyes slowly and saw the smoke that was collecting inside the building; he coughed weakly as he lay against the wall he'd slumped up against. He was dimly aware of the beeper on...

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Guardians: Chapter Four

Guardians: Chapter Four: The Heart of a Monster Sain and Alyx stood on the roof of the apartment building Sain lived in, both watching the moon rise through the night sky. Sain sat on the railing and looked down the tall building. "So..."...

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Guardians: Chapter Three

Guardians: Chapter Three: The Unforgiven Ones Alyx groaned and tried to pull himself to his feet. His blood was still seeping from his wounds; he needed medical treatment fast. He staggered and collapsed back on the floor clutching at his...

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Guardians: Chapter two

Guardians: Chapter Two: The Gladiator Job It was early morning; the sun still had a few hours before it rose. A group of seven furs were unloading items from the back of two hummers, a Ford E-van sat right across the street with antennas and...

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Guardians: Chapter one

Guardians: Chapter One: The First Mistake The dragon was laying on the beach his red scales glimmering in the sun. He stretched always-loving days off and the beach. A shadow passed over him and stopped, he cracked an eye and looked up at the...

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Guardians: Prologue

Guardians: Prologue A dim red light flashed every few moments. And in these flashes one could see the faint image of what was left in the room. Bodies were everywhere, the whole place glistened wetly, but in the red light you couldn't tell...

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An Awakening

Okay, do NOT flame or rant at me until you read this to the very last sentence. I mean it. Otherwise, here's the last and final installment of 'Of Myth's and Legends. (For simplicities sake, Imma just rename the folder and continue posting the sequels...

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Of Love and Magicks

What is it that drives a man to work and accomplish what he should? Is it the nonexistent praise? Is it the feeling of triumph and success? Do any of these things mean anything when the way a man is rewarded is only by much sneering and name calling by...

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Suddenly: "Adrenaline inducing, testosterone filled, dangerous, stupid, illicit, loud, these are all a few words that sum up how I ruined my life." "It's not surprising really, if you're a nobody and you're good; you attract attention. Usually it's...

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Guardians: Chapter Nine

(...Another chapter? And soo soon after the last one!? yes I know I'm amazed too, but on top of that it's more PORN!? \*Facepalms\* Meh writing myself down a deeper darker hole. x3 I'll find something evetually. Anyway, enjoy the next installment... ...

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