Tales of Airethe 4: Exploring the Manor

A loud metallic clanking awakens Alysa less than an hour later. At first, it seems to emanate only from her own room but soon she can hear it echoing through the house. However, she cannot see what it might be as the bedroom is plunged into complete...

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The Rat's Tale: Prologue

They make a strange pair. She is a tall, curvaceous but still lean blonde, dressed in a flowing but ragged topcoat over the chain shirt under which she wears her corset and shirt. Her tight trousers cling to her hips, upon which rests a belt of pouches...

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A summer in Europe

Mohyla is many things; it is a small, quaint village at the base of the Carpathian Mountains in Western Ukraine. It is also the site of a former Soviet outpost during the early years of the USSR. Finally, it has additional historical significance as...

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Day 3 (Rough copy)

_Alessandra DuMourier rises before dawn, slipping out of the tent to stretch and see just what the new day has to offer her. If she had any dreams they do not seem to weigh on the woman. Her coat is hung over her arm, leaving her shoulders exposed to...

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Alessandra's Journal- Part 3

Well my lovelies, I promised you we would revisit the rest of this strange scene when I recovered my senses and so I keep my promise. Let it not be said that I am less than a woman of my word. ....but first you must surrender yourself to me.' The...

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Alessandra's Journal- Part 2

Of course my short time with sven only awoke my desire and dreams of flight. It was one of those things, like the flare of a raging fire, it burned fast and soon enough we drifted apart. I returned to my life, haunting the forest's edges along a most...

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Alessandra's Journal- part 1

The lovely and luscious Alessa DuMourier here, pleased to meet your acquaintance. I apologize that you have stumbled into my lair in such a state of disarray, but since you're here anyway perhaps I might be of some help to you. The pages contained here...

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Day 2 (Rough copy)

_High Plains Drifter rouses Edward not long after dawn, bidding him to retrieve the horses and secure them to the carriage._ _He does not intentionally awaken Alessa, watching her sleep for a time, as he stands there in his dark overcoat that hangs...


Day 1 (rough copy)

_High Plains Drifter sits in the shadowy comfort of his carriage, upright upon the cushioned seat, one hand clutched upon the head of his cane. To the outside eye, he has the aspect and manner of a gentleman of this age, the age of steam and industrial...
