Sunshine Days - Chapter 10

After their brief stop by the river to wash off, David and Jonathan walked along the trail for a while in silence. Jonathan kept his level of sight at the ground, scanning at least five feet ahead for any rattlesnakes that may be hiding along the dirt...

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Tony's Room - Brothers

Warning: The following story contains gay incest and underage characters. Read at your own risk. Enjoy! :3 A long time ago... Two years before the rocky divorce, Avery had become distant and abusive toward Mary and their two cubs. He gradually...

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Tony's Room - Mountains

Warning: The following story contains gay incest and underage characters. Read at your own risk. Enjoy! :3 Tony is 16 and Trevor is 10 Darren and Mary had been courting for about a year before marrying; forging a friendship and a strong bond...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 18

_Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction and is meant to be taken as such. It contains graphic scenes of sexual intercourse between two underage males. Read at your own peril. And again, this chapter is going to get really fucking weird so read the...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 17

Less than ten minutes after David switched off the lights in their cabin, Jonathan was climbing down the ladder and landing on the floor gingerly. David perked up instantly, rolling over to the side of his bed and sitting up. "You ready?" David asked....

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 16

David and Jonathan were lying in their respective beds, quietly waiting for the lights to go out in the other cabins. No one had come over to turn the lights out in their cabin the previous night so they had no reason to believe that anyone would be...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 15

Jonathan kept his head down for the rest of the day and tried to act as inconspicuous as he possibly could. It was a vain attempt which, of course, Jonathan knew already. He knew his own self well enough to know that his guilt made him act very self...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 14

Jonathan and David exchanged a panicked look as the doorknob jiggled again. They heard the sound of someone cursing softly under their breath and sifting through keys on a ring. In a flash David leapt off Jonathan's lap and scrambled to the floor,...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 13

_Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction and is meant to be taken as such. It contains graphic scenes of sexual intercourse between two underage males. Read at your own peril. Also, side note: It gets a little bit weird in this chapter. Read the...

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Tony's Room - One Last Dance

_"I don't wanna be your friend, I just wanna be your lover. No matter how it ends, No matter how it starts."_ _House of Cards - Radiohead_ Tony knocked on Trevor's door and leaned in, "Hey Trev..." Trevor looked up from his homework at...

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Tony's Room - Monster

"_Tony thought about the relationship he had with Trevor all those years after. He had crossed a line that shouldn't have been crossed. Greg stopped him before they went too far and stuck to cuddling. They never went beyond that, ever. But he felt...

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Billie Jean

Winter knew that something was amiss from the moment he came home. Both his parents were home from work and the grave silence of the house was an ill omen. They both looked up at the little snowshoe hare as he entered the room. He tossed his backpack...

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