Arawn's Summer Meals

It was a nice warm night. Welcoming and enjoyable as some people lay in their beds with the windows open. Most with screens on them so bugs wouldn't try to enter. The river nearby these homes were clear and a little warmed thanks to the summer sun from...

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Sacrificial Offerings

Mortals had always made a sacrifice to their Gods. In all manner of ways, be it by killing them or other things. It always meant something good and those that were to be sacrificed mostly took their sacrifices with happiness that they are pleasing...

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A Rex's Luck

It was forbidden to get close to Isla Sorna. There were warnings everywhere not to be here. But the fish here were said to be the best. So here a few fishermen got up their guts and took their boat to the island. They had been fishing all day and...

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Royal Punishment

It was a nice day as always in the Crystal Empire. The Crystal Ponies were doing their daily activities. No one could think of how suddenly things could change in Equestria, even when they always seemed to. The darkness had come in like the calm that...

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A Sticky Situation

The Quilava once again found himself lost on Route 37 in Johto as always. He could blame his being lost on the fact the sun had gone down and the night was dark, but in reality he is just terrible at finding his way. He's supposed to be heading in the...

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Kirin Dinner

Pharynx was now the prince of Changelings since he had given his love freely and transformed into how he is now. His antlers, though smaller than Thorax's, still shown he was of royalty and he was quite proud of how he looked now. But of course, old...

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Wiggling Tastes Best

The ducklings, hatched a mere few days ago happily swam with their mother who was just as happily showing her newly hatched children the pond. Not far away, danger lurked as it always did. He was always around, and always ready for a snack that...

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