Intimate Kodak Moments

Troy slumped down onto Jennifer's couch. He set the shopping bags down on her coffee table and slowly, slowly toppled over, settling his head against the armrest. Christ, he was tired. A bright sunny day, perfect and tropical. Not the best day to be a...

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Dick and Jane

Sorry! Dick and Jane's no longer available for free - it was originally made freely available during the nominations and voting period for the Ursa Major Awards 2009. Currently it can be purchased on smashwords at...

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Elle Dante\'s \'Broken Heart\'

Miss Dante makes another performance, more pornography than character development, though you'll find a bit of both. The others in the series shouldn't be neccesary reading for you to enjoy this, if you're new to my work. For those F-Solo purists, do...

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Wedding Mouse, 7 of 7

//: City of San Iadras, 'Uptown' district. "Wanna fool around while the coffee boils?" Jennifer asked, slipping back into her bedroom, the hem of her negligee getting knocked back and forth by the sultry sway of her tail. She posed on the doorframe,...

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Wedding Mouse, 6 of 7

//:City of San Iadras, Downtown. "Is my tie straight?" someone asked, looking down. Troy paused a second, before reaching across and pulling it straight. "There you go Sydney." "Where'd I put my pin..." He fumbled through his pockets before finding it....

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Wedding Mouse, 5 of 7

//: City of San Iadras, Gordon's Park Cemetery. It was nice up on the hill. It wasn't sacred ground like the rest of the privately owned cemetery. There were a couple of trees nearer the fence, looking good despite all the shade they caught from...

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Wedding Mouse, 4 of 7

//: City of San Iadras, 'Uptown' district. Jennifer pulled him through her bedroom door. Settled him on the corner of her bed and straddled him, putting her hands to his face and putting her nose against his. Stared into his eyes, so all he could see...

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Wedding Mouse, 3 of 7

//: City of San Iadras, 'Midtown' district. Troy didn't walk. He ran. He ran until his legs ached and his feet were tender. He ran so he didn't have to think about much more than how much his feet hurt. Feel the way the air flapped his rounded ears...

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Wedding Mouse, 2 of 7

//: City of San Iadras, 'Furry' district. "But I can't figure out what that means," Dallas sighed, leaning over the car's control panel, chin on the backs of his hands while watching the traffic rush by. Troy hadn't been concentrating. He'd been...

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Wedding Mouse, 1 of 7

I hope you enjoy my latest offering. It's a sequel to 'City Mouse', and also deals with Troy Salcedo and Jennifer Dixon. If you're here for the yiff, I suggest you skip ahead to parts four and seven, but mainly seven. Respectful feedback is, as...

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Pillow Talk

A scene that's been rattling around in my head, which is a continuation of the 'City Mouse' story. I'm not sure I'll be able to fit it into a larger narrative, but I thought it worth putting up here. I'm not sure how much you'll get out of this if you...

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A Correspondence of City Mice: York.

//: A Correspondence of City Mice: York. Dear Brothers, "You okay, kid?" York shook his head, looking up at the store owner. His tail stiffened vaguely, not sure if he was being accused of something or not. "Uhm." "You're that mouse kid, from the...

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