Samhain Host

**Disclaimer:** This story, the characters within it, the fictional names and places, the technologies, etc; the Universe in which this story is written is my own creation. In instances of ambiguity regarding the fictional status of something is...

The twining roses

**This is my first attempt at poetry. Please give me some constructive criticism and comments. Thanks and enjoy :3** **The twinning roses.** The moon is full and flying high It sails, careens in quiet sky Twining roses on the wall Shine...

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The twinning roses

**This is my first attempt at poetry. Please give me some constructive criticism and comments. Thanks and enjoy :3** **The twinning roses.** The moon is full and flying high It sails, careens in quiet sky Twining roses on the wall Shine...

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L.G.T - Quenching the Steel

_ **Disclaimer:** This story, the characters within it, the fictional names and places, the technologies, etc; the Universe in which this story is written is my own creation. In instances of ambiguity regarding the fictional status of something is...

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The Last Good Thing - Universe Pilot

**_Disclaimer: This story, the characters within it, the fictional names and places, the technologies, etc; the Universe in which this story is written is my own creation. In instances of ambiguity regarding the fictional status of something is...

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The hollow song...Immersed

Unleashed your feelings, now their soul, no hole, no need for song. Together we hope for our were the ones to leave destruction. Yours eyes we took, we took from thee...enforce the peace, and now we shape to suit our needs. No...

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Safe No more

Haven once, but now no more...This place you once would have adored...Sadness is too small a word...Laughter now cannot be heard...I hate for all that has been done...We fought this war we never won...The rage so red just grew inside...I cried the red,...

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Abstraction... Immersed

A young earth waits upon your call...Time flows on, you lie to all...The lies are new, none heard before...which mind remembers never more...All this place is, is pain...Doubts grow like a growing stain...In the dark no voice will sound...reflect,...

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Dream long, Dream Lost

Dream Long, Dream Lost I dreamed of a tree And the tree was good And the sky was red With all the things that should. You turn around and go the Other way To the forlorn place where The dead ones lay. For the truth of the world Is repeated...

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North The gas lamps they flicker, While fur men drink liquor All colour gone All life stays still as a blizzard draws near. The wind whispers lies A low piercing cry Cold men by the fire Their need is dire Dead man smiles a chill, frozen...

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The Highborn

The Highborn The truth of all is small to some Head a 'tilted, shoulders a 'splay. The hardship of most is lost on this host Soft hands, Cold laughter Resound and reflect forever, Hereafter. Why should we wait, to accept our fate? Hands from...

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The rending

Great plains and plateau, vast swathes of virgin forest, filled with trees never seen in existence, trackless deserts filled with mineral deposits and finally; one vast ocean, so deep as to be touching the core, and so wide as to be beyond mortal reckoning

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