Jewel of the Spring #5

I hope what i've done is forgiven by the spirits." i replied. "by admitting them and understanding the path you had to walk. you're sins are already forgiven by the spirits." she stated kindly.

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Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:17 the forgiven

Bowser gave Jewelia a smile. She didn`t smile back. Bowser held out his hand. Jewelia grabbed his hand. She stood up. "Ouch!" she says. Bowser lets go, thinking he did something. Jewelia falls to the ground. Bowser then remembers her leg. He walks over...

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My Little Pony Friendship is Magic The forgotten and the forgiven

#1 of my little pony my little pony friendship is magic the forgotten and the forgiven not many reviews, so i am guessing that... a. nobody cares for the cheesy story. b. it didn't come out to good. c. everyone wants pinkie pie back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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A prayer for Love

A prayer for love i stand here alone in the stillness a reflection of my past brings a tear to my eye and anger from what i've done a good friend he remains he has forgiven some i glance to my phone no messages lord i pray


My life with blaziken chapter 19

He wanted to be forgiven, but he didn't think that he was worthy of forgiveness. "axel, you didn't do those things, the haunter did." "it doesn't matter, i can't be forgiven" he almost sobbed. "that's not true.

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poems 2

If the things you have done are forgiven, happiness a weights you. if all the masks you wear are shattered, you have nothing left to hide.


short quote from a storey i made in my head

Point in the future "i once stood by your side, i once kissed you lips tenderly and told you that you were to most beautiful creature i have ever had the honour of laying my eyes apon... but now i am back to eviscerate you. what you have done can not be forgiven

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It hurts you and stains your soul and soon that pain is out of control one can be forgiven but to what extent what is you gave in and what you did was permanent unforgivable and vial as if made of pure guile one must atone and your

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Torn Asunder

That you shall soar no more for you have sinned you have seen, but not acknowledged heard, but not listened known, and done nothing fear now my angel turn your eyes from what is to come know my friend that this is the end for you have sinned you will not be forgiven

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Again, my teeth and fingers itched, as the fat boyish man told me that he knew, and that i was forgiven for the sins i had committed. i openly stated i doubted what i had done could be forgiven, that he had no idea of the gravity of my sins.

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He would never be forgiven on the account of being the son of a cherished member of the church. he would taint the good name of the hart household forever.

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My Wife is Cheating on me

I asked softly, i had already forgiven her, but i had to know. we were back at home, after two and a half weeks apart we were at home together. i had forgiven her, and i think she had forgiven herself.

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