Movie Night

"okay, so this might actually be a masterpiece." "minus the robot" tj soured. "goddamnit minus the fucking robot!"

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Thirty Seven

I'm somewhat of an artist myself, and seeing your masterpiece here has inspired me. my friend, i would like to propose a partnership between the two of us!"

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Ten Years Later, Same Problems

My masterpiece!" jill giggled, "i thought your masterpiece was that handgun you modified." the proud dragon shook her head, "nope! i even renamed this!" she set the case down on the bar and slowly opened it, "i call it the reaper!"

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Intro to Something More

I'm not as good as you, though, so don't expect masterpieces." "ohhh, it'll be a masterpiece, alright," she teased. "until next time, max! see you soon! mwah!" the line clicked, signalling the end of the call.

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Another Day of Class - Chapter 1 [Trade]

Her class now almost forgotten, she allowed her mind to clear itself as she drew on the large sheet of white paper, exchanging crayons and giggles with annie as the two pooled their coloring resources to great their masterpieces.

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The Curtain Call of Marcus Heckinberry

Every essay, every song, every story, every masterpiece. it is all right here. concentrate, marcus. look deeply into its volume."

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Reileo's Love <3

To start telling the way she makes me feel is like painting a masterpiece by mouth---my love for her is worth beyond thousands of words! the least i can do for her is loving and just being there.

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A Friend for Jim ("Jim and the Frog" series, #1)

He read my greatest masterpiece ever, a metaphorical novel about forgetting the mistakes of your past and living in the moment.

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Pride Cake

It was a real masterpiece, relatively small but multilayered, each a pride flag. "...i don't want to at this." "yeah, me neither." "it has chocolate in it, though..." and the rest was history.

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The Slaves of Paine Ch.1 Waiting

Then i stepped back and looked at my masterpiece. as i stared, i got so wet that it started soaking my thighs just from looking at it. "well... i suppose i could go ahead and put the clips on it's only..."

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The Tempest of Egypt

"that statue is a masterpiece," complemented ishaq. "another statue in a vast sea of statues." the twosome saw a multitude of slaves moving towards the palace and joined the group. they saw a gathering in front of the palace.

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The Japanese Garden

The wood it was constructed from was old and worn, and the flute was clearly a masterpiece of art itself. moving up the scene, the gravel formed a path of white and grey stones, behind the dragon.

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