Prayer and Demon 12 - Returning to the MIssion

So, at nayeli's urging, he compromised by laying down in the middle of the coin pile again and taking a nap right there, while nayeli and tuli pushed coins onto him for gorgorond to swallow.

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Prayer and Demon 6 - Changing Camps

nayeli released the breath she'd started holding in her surprise and nodded.

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Prayer and Demon 4 - Vows

Diya gave him an encouraging pat on the back, while nayeli just smiled knowingly.

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Saving the Sha'khari 3 - Training and Testing

nayeli groaned, shaking her head as she released the knob. sarahi had barely had a chance to notice, but nayeli's mother had almost come out in nothing but a thin nightgown. unbelted and lacking any kind of underwear, at that.

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Prayer and Demon 9 - Into the Caves

nayeli dipped a concerned brow. this was all very out of character for their overly-aggressive husband. "what did he say?"

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Prayer and Demon 1 - The Choosing

"indeed, your highness," nayeli answered, bowing in a traditional gesture of respect, "nayeli, of the order on earth, and oro, wearer of the demon gorgorond."

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Prayer and Demon 15 - Returning to Nazeen

So did nayeli, but less happily. "yes, that would be very convenient.

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Harem Vignettes 3

Tuli leaned down as she got within nayeli's reach, returning the hug and coaxing nayeli down onto her back as their lips met in a warm, soft kiss. "dear...i'm so sorry," she whispered briefly.

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Ghost in the Stones 7 - The Huntress

nayeli motioned her forward, letting the other girl know she was still awake, and sarahi crawled onto the bed as gently as possible to settle on her side at nayeli's back. "sorry," the sha'khari whispered, putting both her arms around nayeli's belly.

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Prayer and Demon 3 - Story Time

nayeli shook her head with an understanding smile.

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