The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether Chapter:24
Vernon stared at the ewe in surprise, choking slightly on his words. "y-you" the ewe twisted a hoof. "you can call me clover."
The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether Chapter:26
The little ewe seemed to notice, staring at the older lamb quizzically. "m-ma'am, why are you crying?" the little lamb twisted a foot. "oh..." dawn sniffled..."i-i have a friend just like yours." "really!?" the little lamb beamed. "where is he?"
Space Sheep 9
In front of the bar keep was a normal looking suffolk ewe. "now that's a really good disguise." he told the sheep scientist. "you look just like an earth ewe."
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:23 and a Half (Smut)
But i need you to promise me somethin' honey lamb." vernon huffed. "w-what?!?" the ewe uttered as she continued to writhe.
The Young Shepard Boy
He licked his lips and his breath dusted the sheeps wool. he drew his mouth closer, sniffing the sheep. it was a sweet, musty smell. james drew back his fingers and leaned in.
Xavier and the Yearlings (M/F/F)
Their faces were those of sheep with slender muzzle, thick lips, and the strange eyes of an ovine behind which burned an intense affection and fire of desire.
Hodges Fields: Chapter 2
The large grey wolf looked down at the injured sheep on the ground. the sheep had tried crawling away while they were arguing. he reached down and picked the sheep up, twisting the arrow still lodged in the sheep's shoulder."
Hodges Field: Chapter 1
Let no sheep stray from the herd, for a stray sheep, is a dead sheep. thanks be towards the shepherds, and the guardians." the sheep all repeated the last words balso spoke, "thanks be towards the shepherds, and the guardians."
Three Wolves, One Big Sheep
Once he got the aim of it on the butt of the sheep, he pulled the trigger and the dart went flying towards the sheep. the dart hits the sheep's butt and realize it got shot, the sheep felt very dizzy and felt like it was about to collapse.
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:52
The ewe said with a snicker. "provided he's tellin' the truth." vernon mumbled. the ewe gave her mate a playful swat with her hoof. "oh hush!" the ewe chided. _'the break up was not on good terms.
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:31
Sufficed to say, the ewe is somehow fooled by the wolf's act.
Beep Beep, Kristen is a Sheep.
'think like a sheep' 'talk like a sheep' 'act like a sheep' 'you are a sheep' "th-think like a like a sheep...act like a sheep...i-i am a sheep" again, the words flashed on screen - repeating in an endless loop as they