Chapter V

"moving on, the unsc or united nations space command was the military arm. it's purpose was to defend earth and her colonies. due to rising unrest the unsc placed the colonies under martial law.

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Halo: FUBAR Chapter 06 - With Great Promotion Comes Great Responsibility

And joining the unsc military was probably not my brightest career move... then again, it was that or become a male stripper at the local club.

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Back to Work

---\*\*\*--- // briefing room a-20, unsc _sharkbait_, classified vector, 2553 ce zombie squad was already present in the briefing room.

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Summaries for Halo-Fanfiction

Along his journey he discovers how corrupt the unsc really is. along with dark secrets, those even the prophets' fear of unleashing. 4. desperation as driven their best leaders, to throw cost out the window. 

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Chapter IV

Preferring to fight, work, and live away from the other members of the unsc. not once had they managed to peel away the shell he had formed around himself.

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The Endeavor: Flight of November

It shows how desperate the unsc is at this point. no longer is it just the unsc though, the battle of earth is a joint operation.

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Halo Reach: Alternate Ending

I grabbed the radio mic, "this is unsc spartan b312," i said. "say again?" the voice said, "did you say spartan?" "yes," i said, "who is this?"

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Legacy of the Precursors, Chapter 1: Lost

Countless covenant soldiers and even surviving unsc forces were caught in the wave of destruction that ravaged the continent.

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Halo: FUBAR Chapter 09 - The Gun Pointed at the Crotch of Humanity

Boone was out for my blood, along with the rest of the unsc most likely. that was when i realised i was no longer in the city centre.

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Straight Shot

The war between the unsc and the covenant has reached boiling point. the outer colonies are falling to the alien onslaught bent on mankind's destruction. but not all is lost. every day, the men and women of the unsc define what it means to be a hero.

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The Transfer Part I

The unsc transferred him to an elite ship, over night, when they didn't expect him. and they didn't even have a job for him. "freakin' awesome..." he thought.

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Halo: First Contact, Chapter 1: One Small Step For Man

There were absolutely no unsc ships in this entire section of the galaxy, the nearest sign of unsc power was an asteroid base several months away. the only plausible explanations were that, a-insurrectionist forces held a presence here....or b-aliens.

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