In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 3)

Said oxfold, 'we've got on perfectly well without a vicar for years. oh, father alfred used to come over on a sunday, but we barely noticed him. i feel that it is my duty to put you in the picture about how this village works.

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Collar 14 -- Numbers and 1 Corinthians

Turning to me, still smiling, she asked quietly, "is it permissible to give a vicar a chaste kiss to his cheek?" i pretended to give it serious consideration for a moment.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 21)

She laughed, then added: 'i'm glad that there's some typical vicar-y things about you, i was beginning to think you were perfect.'

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Holy Night

She gave him a kiss on the cheek and then reminded him to thank the vicar. which he dutifully did. the next few hours were spent talking to people, and mostly listening to stories of his father.

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For The Servant (Chapter 1)

He watched it grow, rubbing his balls gently, and let out a surprised giggle for the sins he committed only doubled the ecstasy; the sodomy and the mild homoerotic images that flashed through his brain were both things frowned upon by the vicars of his land

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 6)

'yeah,' i replied, 'i'm his vicar and he's my bank manager.' 'tell all, nerd, i'm dying to hear.' 'after i've paid. i'd rather not discuss it in public, i know you too well.'

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Intermezzo - Making plans and following through

"hey, the one mission i came closest to getting my tail shot off... was planned by the fucking vicar!" "yep, and we were all idiots to trust that intel, not just barry. give him a break, dafydd." "not in a million years, sir!

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Best Man's Best Friend (Dog TF)

He let his eyes adjust and roam around the room, spying a few family members, a couple of bridesmaids... the vicar... and pete!

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XXXMAS Day Fourteen - Prostitution

And then they go running off to their priest or vicar or wizard or whatever crying about what bad boys they've been. you think they get off on that?" "some of them have to, definitely."

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Exodus Pt. 1

She was sitting by his bed, still crying and holding his limp paw when the vicar came calling. the middle-aged panther sighed heavily, and touched her shoulder comfortingly.

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Buckets Scene (excerpt from Tally Road novel)

He was your perfect middle class resten shopkeeper/vicar type, rather potbellied. he had the short arms and legs, the long dangling ears and droopy muzzle. he seemed to waddle a bit. "yes." said brittery. "you should have told me.

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More tea vicar? to jude and team.' she would have it framed for the wall.

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