Adira Clawhauser Chapter 7

It had been three years since Adira joined the ZPD. She liked her job a lot, and Benjamin loved listening to her on duty stories after dinner, but she never thought her brother would want to be a cop. 'Sis, I want to join the ZPD too! You'll help me,...

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Adira Clawhauser Chapter 6

'Don't make me hit a girl.' Adira blocked Bogo's way with her opened arms, 'Listen to me! I know I was wrong, but I did what had to be done!' 'What you should do, is stay behind and be pals with the chief with all his kitty catty nonsense!' Adira...

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Adira Clawhauser Chapter 5

'Suspect now on the run on a red Daewoof van...' Bogo's radio kept them updated. Adira squinted around, trying to find the stolen van. Suddenly she saw a tiny van speed through the underbelly of a giraffe bus and turn left, leaving light skid...

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The Door (Ch. 23 - Epilogue)

benjamin clawhauser asked the human in the bed. sergeant cruz's left leg had been broken when he had appeared, badly. but the doctors had thankfully reset it and been very optimistic about his recovery. "yeah. not sure what i'm going to do though."

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Chapter 1: Just Friends

Luckily, i knew who the voice belonged to, my obese cheetah friend, benjamin clawhauser.

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The New Recruit: 3 Months Later

benjamin clawhauser sighed to himself and settled his head against the metal pole next to his seat on the subway.

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The Doughnut Shop Incident

The Doughnut Shop Incident In the car with her parents, two of her siblings, and her - What did she call him now? Her boyfriend? Ugh. That was terrible; that was what high school kits called the object of their usually short term affection. Her...

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Zootopia Fiction: Buckies part 2

ZOOTOPIA buckies A tame fan fiction by Dan 1966 (c) Zootopia 2016 by Disney Animation Studios Part 2 Buckies 10pm Nick smiled and doe'd his eyes...."The bunny selects dangerous...I hope you haven't lost your mind?" Judy pushed...

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Zootopia Park 6/??

benjamin clawhauser to the rescue!" he chortled as he made his way to the computer in order to log in. "now, let's see what happened to everyone here..." "a dead end?" judy asked as bogo, fangmeyer and onna caught up with them.

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Zootopia: More Than Partners, More Than Friends - Part 3

Nick was reassigned to work with officer wolfard and judy was paired with desk officer benjamin clawhauser, who taught her dispatch, record filing and filling out civilian complaints.

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Nick comes out

benjamin clawhauser seemed to try to out-hyper the small bunny, his pitch reaching such heights that the poor fox was forced to cover his ears from time to time. he was talking non-stop, commenting on the songs (oh man, "roar with me" touched my heart!)

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Zootopia: Dirty Hairy Part 5

benjamin clawhauser replied. "fritz? two more cases for you. one has the same crazy "moe" as the others and one is obviously a revenge hit. all i'll say was a she and she....lawn mower...."

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