Bored Meeting

So they all took a coffee break before returning back to their brain trust.

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Give a Dog a Bone...

It was just about three in the morning, the few night shift guards would be grueling for a coffee break. the snores of delinquents not helping them stay alert.

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Give a Dog a Bone...

It was just about three in the morning, the few night shift guards would be grueling for a coffee break. the snores of delinquents not helping them stay alert.

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CBC - Bludvist: Sacrivice

**coffee break story** **bludvist: sacrivice** by xp author this was the most thrilling day of her life. sasha felt like her fur was standing on end from the excitement.

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Fenneko's Routine

So good in fact that by mid-morning, fenneko had no choice but to skip her coffee-break chat with retsuko, leaving her and haida bashfully murmuring to one another with no third party to ease their romantic tensions, to visit the restrooms.

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Muscle Camp - Chapter 2: Terminal Error

She had finally made it back from her coffee break, and relieved the other check in clerk from covering her as she set her coffee down on the counter. "hello there. do you have your ticket receipt and i.d.?"

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To See Another Day

Want a hot date for the coffee break?"_ the lion almost snuffled. they'd had an endless play-flirt going on for several months now, and usually he was all in for it...but he wasn't in the mood today.

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Horsetits: A Tale of Excess - Alternate Ending

Just long enough to have... what... three coffee breaks and a vigorous romp with tatianna, and the hunky barista, before the tired lil' birdie had to go home? plenty of time for work!

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CBC - Still Motion Friends

**coffee break commission** **still motion friend** by xp author the still motion anatomy showcase was an educational showcase that traveled about through several countries.

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Horsetits: A Tale of Excess - Main Ending

Just long enough to have... what... three coffee breaks and a vigorous romp with tatianna, and the hunky barista, before the tired lil' birdie went home? plenty of time for work!

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University Life - Staffroom Meeting

"first; are you available for a coffee break away from the university this week?" "i uh..." was all richard managed to say before fiona cut him off with her next line of inquiry. "second; are you related to lord cromwell?"

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Kalysta's Choice: Chapter Three

High command had tried to contact his pod while he was taking his coffee break, and of course reprimanded him for not being on duty for a mission.

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