Two Worlds?

Think it could be a good story? the part where he visits the furry world seems cliché i know but it's a lot better when it's actually written and brought to life as i want it to be. and besides i'm keeping a lot of details out, so yeah.


Dante's Iferno : introduction

Like any good story let's tell it from the beginning. me and my twin sister where born, almost 2 years after my older sister, on june 6 1996.

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Longest Tale Part 2

As before, i claim my right to be sucky at english grammar and spelling, i don't want any mails or responses saying: "good story but you gotta work on the language." yeah, i know that so keep it to "good story!" or "lousy story!" thank you!

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Those Magnificent Women in Their Flying Machines (Heat 14 preview)

Maybe the pilot had served on the front lines in britain and had a good story or two about fighting the luftwaffe to share over some beer.

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The rest of a 5 poems p T.T

I hope you have a good story for this, because it's one i'm dying to hear.

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The 4th Dimensional Room (Introduction)

From behind the fading doors, he leaves one last remark: "if you ever feel bored and need to read a good story, please... come again...!"

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20 years in the making: Hitman 3 review

I enjoy single player campaigns where i can enjoy a good story.

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That being said, i still highly suggest you read it all the way through from the beginning, because this is a damn good story, even if i say so myself :d so, that being said, read on!

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Furry Dreams

Kusanaga [author's note: as far as endings go, the last chapter sucked, but that's what makes a good story a good story... suckyness.] "this one looks exactly like the other four we got in the arizona lab...

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This is not a good story. it's "stroke" material. i've not written one of these in ages so--well--here it is. enjoy it for what it is. no real depth or skill, here. just ... a scene. just a character. just sex.

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Warm Up - 2

stories of other realms, other realities, and a mercenary faction that was led by a crocodile. they were called the 'ctacic mercenaries'. now disbanded though, two captains approached him at different times.

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Anima World Part 1

I don't know if it is a good story or not, and some part might feel rushed, but it's just a short 4-part story that i want to share with you guys, so please enjoy! critics and comments are welcome. by the year 2025, the world as we know it has ended...

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