Rhannah and Halia 6

Rhannah waits outside for the mare to finish up, only to be greeted by the snort of the annoyed horse, her arms occupied by bags upon bags of groceries. "What was that all about?" Halia asks. "What? You buying your groceries? Did you honestly expect...

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 7: Meadow

"oh no, ff course not," embryo replied, "we can only produce as much protein as what's already within us, and because the males weren't blessed with the gift of egg laying (poor things), we have to balance it out."

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the dungeon chapter 2

Room two ? training of Amber Mira felt it was time to move on. She had watched straight couples having sex before and being Mike's servant down here, it was actually part of their agreement, still, her own interests were a bit different and there...

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Cute & Lewd Canine poetry

Cute & Lewd Canine poetry by AdamFloof937 on Furaffinity \<3 "Lap up my juices, wrap it up with a sniff and smooches. Come give your girl a hug and rub our cookies to light a spark of love. Let our howls vibrate the air while the...

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Loss of Males Gains a New Interest in the Hive

**Loss of Males Gains a New Interest In the Hive** ** ** The ancient xenomorph hive on the jungle planet was facing its first obstacle in its long history that it couldn't explain nor fight properly against. Over the past two months the...

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Episode Nine: Dream Factory

Episode Nine: Dream Factory By TheCrimsonDM Pascale could be thankful that it was her day off. Or at least she would be if she had the time to organize her bookshelves or study magic, or even work on a new arcane invention like she'd planned....

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Friday night kinky night part 1: a dark secret

Characters Alice: she is the boss of her own office company which is a very small one. She is in her mid to late 20's but it doesn't bother her at all. She is slightly taller than most ladies. She is a lamb with long blonde hair and her skin is...

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In This Moment

There's an old writer's adage; Write what you know. Sometimes what you know is really, really boring. But sometimes, the right soul makes it _all_ worth it. _In this Moment_ _2020 by Zorha_ Zorha drifted without form. Thoughts...

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I should've known what was happening when she started getting more clingy earlier in the afternoon. But, I was distracted. She followed me around, just talking and rubbing her arms and keeping me company. Eventually we wound up on the...

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The Map of gilgama Chapter 3

Navajo, sighed as she watched Thylin, and Moonwing heading off towards the Fields. All while The cougar woman sat there, all alone. Suprised that the chair could still hold her weight. Though it was far more comfortable than a normal oak wood chair...

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Sergal Stripper

Bawess hated clubs, the sound, the smell, and the furries. Everything about the vice of sex and desire agitated her, yet here she sat, alone, in a small booth tucked away from the main floor; observing the ebb and flow of the scene before her as furs...

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És, Scén

_So, here's a story from my archives. I wrote it quite a time ago, and since I don't think that I'm gonna publish it anywhere else, I do here. Well, obviously it's meant to be a filler... sorry... Working on Keith'n'Matt 2 and Corwin's story......

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