A Battle To Be Sung.

Fires crackling about the field, corpses strewn all over, swords and shields and all sorts of weapons scattered and stuck in dead bodies. One man stood as he pulled his falchion blade out of the fresh corpse of an opponent, blood spurting with the...

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One Memorable Journey Pg.5

Just after the cheetah asked nobody had time to answer as something started pinging everyone's personal radars. "Hostile coming in fast!" Patrick called out as he turned to face the incoming threat before getting immediately thrown meters back, a...


Family Reunion

Hannah swallowed the last of her bowl of stew. Sunset and her were sitting around a fire, quietly eating lunch. Lacyus had gone out hunting and foraging. Sunset "Hey Hannah." Hannah looked up from her bowl. "Did Lacyus tell you it's his...

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Forward Through the Shot and Shell

Twin World Crossover Chapter Eight: Forward Through the Shot and Shell Hannah walked at a quickened pace down the hall. Two days had passed since she had seen Mattheiu and the dragon-Marissa last. She was nervous. Today was the day she would...

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K-495 chapter 5

Chapter 5 Soon after fleeing into the stern compartment, the lights went out, the furs in the electric motor room started to tinker with the generator, the lights flickered on again, but, went out shortly after. The generator was dead, like...

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K-495 chapter 4

Chapter 4 In the twilight of the early morning a lone submarine appeared out from the fog, prowled on the surface waters about 30 miles off of the cost of New York City. The slender sub rolled easily in the rough waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The...

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A day at the office

Alex couldn't help but laugh as he walked into the parking lot outside the headquarters building. When he joined the guntruck platoon, He heard rumors that most of the guys were a little......crazy, but this proved it. There was a sign outside the lot,...


K-495 (chapter 2)

Chapter 2 It was 8:40, and every man was out on deck, the wind wiping through our fur, piercing out thin uniforms. We stood upright, at attention, as the admiral walked up and down the deck, before taking a stand in front of the middle of the...

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Part four: A peek through the door

Okay, chapter/part/book/whatever four, lets go! I'm excited about this 'un! There's plenty of action in it so, don't expect to see any yiff in this one (sorry). Oh yeah, hope this un makes up for the fiasco that was the third. Minors get out, blah blah...

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Be mine?

Matt replayed the scene over in his head. _Hey, Sara, what's up? I know I haven't spoken to you much before now, but there's a reason for that. I think I first began to notice you when I met you. You're a raccoon, just like me. I've had a crush...

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Chapter one: Conflict

_Battle fatigue can lead to strange dreams_ Swords rang, arrow shafts flew thicker than swarming mosquitoes in summer, and hundred died before the battle ground to a sickening halt, neither side giving way. The attackers rallied and...

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A Dream: Chp 17 Surprises Entries

A Furry's Dream: Chp17 Surprises entries ~written from my phone~ **Just an advanced warning to any _younger_ and or _people who don't like violence/gore_. I'm not going to go ripping peoples arms off or describing everything, _it will be tame...

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