For a Few Minutes of Pleasure...

The sound of the boat crashing against the waves and the clink of glass bottles almost made Adrian relax into the moment, smiling and tipping his own beer to his lips. Ever since he had gotten on the boat towards 'Pleasure Island', a certain sense...

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Finding Love Under Moonlight

Head pounding, Dave slowly opened his eyes, wanting to sleep in but unable to get back to rest through the ache of his overindulgence. It took him a few moments...

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An Indominable Experience

Feeling an overwhelming sensation of elation, Fernando rubbed his shoulder over the injection site for what had to be the fifth time in as many minutes. It had only been only a short time since he'd been given his nanite cocktail, but he could hardly...

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Parenting, Privacy, and Penguins

Shivering from the cold, Harrison stood naked, waiting in a frigid chamber to transform. Though Harrison knew he would be suited for the climate in a matter of minutes, it didn't make the feeling of the cold any more tolerable at the present time. It...

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Andy awoke slowly, his head raw and aching. Apparently, he had one hell of a hangover! Andy couldn't recall the last time his head hurt like that. How much had he drunk last night? His mouth tasted sour, lacking saliva from the dehydration brought on...

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New Phase of Life

Bored out of his mind, Miguel pulled out his phone for what felt like the twentieth time that day, anything to stay awake during the lecture. Anatomy was all memorization, so why did it matter if he understood the systems when he would have to...

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Ultimate Alien Zoo

Vic stared out into the seemingly endless abyss of what he could only guess were other square cages, similar to the one that currently entrapped him. The edge was made of some sort of force field that buzzed when he touched it, yet caused him no harm....

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Mommy Loves You

The sound of barking from outside wakes you up with an irritated groan. You realize your neighbor has brought over her German Shepherd for you to walk far too early for your liking. Wincing internally, you force yourself out of bed, throwing on your...

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Into the Satyr-verse (Preview Version)

"Fuck, I'm getting tired..." Gabe whined, the hot afternoon sun beating down on him. He and his buddy Jason had been walking for hours. Though by this point, it felt more like days. It had been Gabriel's brilliant idea to get back to...

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Choose Your Change

Tyler walked hesitantly out onto the stage, trying to shield his eyes from the blinding stage lights. It was his first time in this sort of environment and he felt as though he was sweating bullets. Thankfully the makeup department gave him something...

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A Hero in Another's Legend

Russell sighed, wishing, not for the first time, that he had a better gaming laptop as the load screen ticked impatiently by. Bad enough he had to deal with lag on the regular just to play LOL. It always pissed off his teammates to the point that he...

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Orcish Delight

Feeling sore from the hours of sitting, Nat stretched back in his cheap chair. He sighed, realizing, not for the first time that he should save up for a worthwhile gaming seat. He wasn't nearly done his daily runs, and he had no job waiting for him in...

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