The Mark

I make no excuses for what I am. Excuses are for weaklings who justify their actions to those above them. But I am not weak. And no one is above me. Do you find me arrogant? How else should I be, when killing one of you is so laughably easy? Yes,...

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I called her The Bitch. She ran on a mixture of diesel and hard liquor, which Bent-Bark swore was part of what made her so cantankerous. I'd pawned her off of him on my last visit to the wolf preserve while my own bike was in the shop. I winced every...

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An American Fox in Paris

Ki hadn't meant it to become a gay tour. A sight-seeing tour was how he preferred to think of it. Some of the sights just happened to include the ample number of gorgeous male furs who lived in France. Not that he'd played around. Far from it. The most...

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The Turning: A Lycanthropic Erotica

I dance to the drums of running paws, I taste the nectar of bloody flesh, I sing the ancient song to the skies. I run. I hunt. It was not always so.... This was it. I never really realized that it was until the plane touched down on the small...

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This Is Budweiser

When Hank managed to open his eyes again, he saw the world through foggy glass. He squeezed his eyes tight and blinked them a few times. The effort to try and raise his head provoked a groan. His neck felt like a 2x4, and since his father was in...

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The Island

We fucked like we were going to die. The water would last another day, maybe two. The raft had no food. There was only myself and First Mate Jaco. Such a strapping, hard-bodied black bear. Prime Brazilian steak, that one. He used his striped shirt to...

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Wage Slave

Prologue I'm tied to my back to my boss's desk. My arms and legs lie flush to the stained tropical wood, stretched to their limits in a wide 'X'. My naked body lies displayed under the soft glow of the downtown Seattle lights that shine through the...

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Rikky's Crush

_For Ralph_ Arena México was a maw. A roaring, black maw with teeth of padded orange seats that breathed in screams. It inhaled the air with sixteen thousand throats and exhaled in tumbling oceans of sound that careened from one side of the stadium to...

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The Man Spa

For Xythian You lie beneath the soft fluffy white towel in the largest of the private massage parlors. It's practically a small apartment, complete with its own change room, a cabinet containing various oils, and a few bonsai spruce trees for...

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The Foreman

"Looking good, there, lion!" "Yeah, work those hips, kitty!" "I gotta spot behind this wall I'm building with your name on it, pussy! Just say the word!" I'm burning from my muzzle to my ears by the time I duck in the front door. It feels like a...

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