Awaken my Lovely Girl

Selest opens her eyes to slits and smiles to herself reveling in the fine morning filling the burrow all around her. She can hear the breathing of her daughters nearby and the soft rustle of bedding as one of them moves in their sleep. The banked fire...

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Chapter 13: A Nice Shower

It was around nine in the morning or so when Holis slowly began to awaken to the purrs of the dragoness curled up against him. He gave a soft sigh looking at her as she slept, so peaceful so happy. Looking at her washed away all his doubts, made all...

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Chapter 12: Repaid Kindness

Holis walked over to the bed relaxing himself getting ready for bed. He pulled back the covers and stood in shock his mouth wide open at the sight that greeted him. Alesta was on her side facing him but she was naked! He couldn't help but stare at he...

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Chapter 11: Home Health Care

Holis murred and pulled back from the long soft kiss as he heard a knock at the door. They looked at each other with a soft smile as he stood and walked out turning off the light and closing the door. Holis smiled readjusting his pants a bit and...

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Chapter 10: A Training Day 2

Lova opened the door and they walked in. Holis looked around the cot with Alesta was in the middle of the room. There were two rows of plants the left side ones were a little different from the ones on the right. The dolly was there with the plant...

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Chapter 9: A Training Day

Alesta began to awaken from passing out. She was exhausted and aching from the intensity of her muscle movements. She had never had so many plants working her over before. She looked over to see the male plant had taken the last seeds out of her after...

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Chapter 8: Time With Old Friends and Meeting New Ones

Time With Old Friends and Meeting New Ones Alesta smiled warmly as she pulled a comfortable cot from the storage area of the room and slid into it laying back peacefully. She took off her robe closing her eyes as she felt the first vines touching...

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Chapter 6: A First Time For Everything

A First Time For Everything "Holis am I desirable?" Alesta asked with slurred words. "You're the sexiest woman on the station," Holis answered softly. "You really think so?" Alesta asked. Holis smiled and picked her back up carrying...

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Chapter 5: Old Friends and Sins

Old Friends and Sins Alesta smiled softly and walked back to her room turning the light back on and smiling as the plant came back to life sending a couple of vines to her as she opened the closet. She reached down kissing one and rubbing it...

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Chapter 4: A very good morning

A Very Good Morning Holis awoke the next morning to a squeal coming from nearby although he didn't know where. He figured it was his imagination and slowly stretched. He got up and decided he should take a shower and as he put a towel around his...

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Chapter 3: Enlightening Experiences

Enlightening Experiences Holis walked into the spacious apartment it was actually quite nice. It had all the things the standard apartments had and extra's he'd normally have to had added at his own expense. He put his luggage on the bed and...

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Chapter 2: Settling In

Settling in Alesta Slowly awoke and yawned smiling as she stretched and rubbed her body. She giggled as she came across a vine on her thigh under the blanket. She looked over to the plant which had grown its tasty fruit. She reached over and...

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