The Merrin, part 3

"Come on, Key. Fight." Alice gives him five more chest compressions, than two breaths. CPR. She's never had to do it before. Learned it. Had to, it's standard with any medical course. Though if her AI hadn't had to heal her after her suit popped,...

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The Merrin, part 2

"Hey, you busy?" Alice asks. He turns in his chair, looking through the pod's door. "Hardly. Come in." She steps in and produces two plates. "Here, roast beef with garlic, rosemary & girolles, and for desert, I brought Chocolate Love Cake with...

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The Merrin, part 1.

Sitting in the empty, dimly lit mess hall, Keylan plays at his food. He's not really hungry, he never is, his AI keeps him fed at all times. That's not so much by necessity, but by choice, Keylan's job usually keeps him overly occupied. Being the...

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Sada's First Heat

As I sit in my office reading, Sada quietly comes in and sits on my lap. I set the tablet down and lean back, reclining my chair, pulling her back with me. She purrs and relaxes onto me. "To what, do I owe this distraction?" She takes my hand and...

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Effects of Moonstorm

The night of First Moonstorm is here, and we are all staying up to watch it. Larrah had told me that this one starts the New Year, and is usually the best. Arru also stated that the event can sometimes change one's life, if watched in the right...

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The Massage

Entering the grooming room, I find myself alone. I lay my towel out across the bed and take off my shirt. As I start browsing through the various oils, conditioners, and even some candles, Megai comes in. Upon seeing me, she puts her hands to her...

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Rami's Return

Having left Three Lands, Rami sits silently on his jata, thinking. Around him, the others talk quietly about various things, prompting him to look at them curiously. Roen, a red fox who he's managed to become fast friends with, sits on his jata while...

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Roen's Tale, Epilogue

It's been nearly nine months since we found the humans. Since then Kyle's been proving himself a good leader. With the help of a flying machine called a shuttle, he's not only relocated them to Garrent, but he's also found a home, large enough for all...

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Roen's Tale, Chapter 14

I hop up on a fallen tree to get a better view of my surroundings. After a moment, I take out the tablet Kyle gave me. With a little effort, I finally remember out how to bring up the map that Railu showed me. To my pleasant surprise, several dots...

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Roen's Tale, Chapter 13

Railu lays alongside me, gently running her finger through my chest fur, her muzzle is tucked under mine. Despite it being night, and the fact that we've just exerted ourselves, neither of us wants to sleep. "Roen?" "Hmm?" "Kyle's going to offer you...

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Roen's Tale, Chapter 12

"Roen." "Love." "Wake up, love." As my senses start to return, and despite the diminishing pain, I realize that someone's licking my nose, and tears are falling on my face. "Roen, love, come on, wake up." It's Railu, I recognize her voice, and...

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Roen's Tale, Chapter 11

Hearing Amsel scream, my jata quickly retracts into its shell, tripping me as I exit my tent. I land headlong on the wet ground, and my nose quickly tells me that it's not just water and dirt, there's also blood. I quickly stand up as Amsel comes...

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