Diary of a demon lover 4

April 23rd Dear Diary, I snuck out of the house a little after eleven o'clock when everyone was asleep; from there I rode my bike down to the cemetery. Here I await what may be my eternal lover. I have always had an erotic curiosity about hell...

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Diary of a demon lover 3

April 19th 2009 It's mid morning and I am all alone in the living room with only my laptop to keep me company. Hoping to reach Ray on the yahoo IM I wait patiently as I play a computer game. In January he had told me about his car no longer...

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Diary of a demon lover 2

April 16th 2009 Its nine o'clock at night and ounce again I am alone in my room. I miss my fiancée dearly and hope that we are not broken up. Don't know what to think there, all I know is that is has been close to three months sense I have...

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Disney's Pete Fantasy 1

Note: I am 5'3 with an atheletic built (131lbs) Black hair to my shoulders, tan skin, green/hazel eyes, a mouth that looks small on the outisde but opens up wide. Lying naked on top of my bed thinking of Rafael and how much I miss him. A single tear...

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Allison Star 3 Sexual Adventures

In this dream Allison found herself naked in a cage just big enough for her body and no one else's, the bars of the cage were made out of solid gold. Pressing her big tits against the bars, her hands grasping the bars she called out, "Someone...

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Hello everyone, Monday I start my job at the Napa Valley Transporation doing data entry. I look forward to it, I am going to use this job not just to get my own place or get a place with a roommate in Napa California. But to also help give me more...

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Elmyra's midnight romp

All is quite late that night in the home of Elmyra Duff's house. Everyone was fast asleep without a care in the world. Everyone that is except Elmyra, ever sense she had eaten dinner finished her homework and than bathed all she could think about was...

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Uncle Harpo fucking me

Uncle Arthur locked the door turned to me and said, "Take off your shirt and let your uncle see those tits." I took off my shirt and watched as he walked from the locked door to where I stood. Reaching out he cupped my boobs and gave them a...

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Marx brothers incest dream I had last night 1

**Last night I didn't sleep too well, however when I did get to sleep the dream I had made up for it. In this dream I was around during the filming of "Horse Feathers" 1932. In this dream I had befriended the Marx Brothers and formed a special bond...

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