Illian Mini-Series: Difference

Hey everyone, this is the very first chapter of the Illian mini-series: The Darkness Within. This mini-series takes place in that time gap between Chapter15 and 16, which is a 20 month period. I do ask that anyone who reads this mini-series...

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Illian: The Final Chapter: Absolution it is, the final chapter of the Illian Series. Markus has become the Final Sinan, Oz has completed his transformation into dragonhood, Eon sadly lost his sanity and Kia has shouldered the responsibility of being the mate to the savior...

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Illian: Blood City

Hey guys, the second last chapter, and boy is it long. Since some of you probably don't want to read 17 pages worth of story, I'm going to tell you that the yiff is at the very end. However, I believe that there is so much in this chapter...

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Illian: Remember

With a sigh filled with reluctance and sadness, the Evizil replied "Yes yes...just wanted to think." With a cheerful laugh, Oz slapped him on the back and said "Ah my friend, you will have to do much of that when I and Eon are gone. Remember,...

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Illian: Through Darkness We are Lost

Regaining herself, Kia shook her head, bowed slightly and replied "Of course not, I just got a little surprised." Pointing towards the blade shaped hole, Kia continued by saying "I was just looking at this odd hole here; it looks like someone...

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Illian: For Love of Power

Hey guys, chapter 18 is coming at ya. So very close to the end to the Illian Series, and hopefully, if you all have enjoyed this Series enough, I may have one last trick up my sleeve... The stench that was now filling his nose nearly made Markus...

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Illian: Unleash the Demon

Hey guys, here is the second epic battle between the two soul torn brothers. A lot of stuff is going to be revealed in this chapter, so be prepared to gasp at least once :P. "'s been _too_ long." That is what Markus and...

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