Rabbit Heart Pt. 2 - Prologue

_(entry 1, no date)_ _agnis sais I shud keep a jernal too help lerning to rite. she sais I am doing god but need too lern speling beter. I like agnis. she is prety but dos not see it. she givs me my medisin four the lumps. it herts to take but she...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Epilogue

I dreamed. I saw Nola again, older, scarred, but beautiful, hard face set in a fury like a thousand storms, one of...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Ch. 14

The bigger Scrofus of the two stared down at me uncomprehendingly. "Uh. What?" I repeated myself, more frantically....

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Ch. 13

The day after my little tryst with Arthur and Rika, I found myself on the verge of collapse again. I couldn't stop thinking about Nola, and the Lump in her armpit, and wondering what...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Ch. 12

The Scrofa gave us two days. Apparently, they were that concerned about a concussion. They left Rika and me to tend to him, giving us more herbs to take, and more to give to Arthur, but...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Ch. 11

Edge tore my spine to pieces with his bare hands, so you can imagine my surprise when I woke up to see his snarling face staring down at me. "Mornin', pup." My brain hardly had time to...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Ch. 10

The day before I died, Nola was gone. At this point, it had been six days since Nola kicked Edge's ass, and some four...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Ch. 9

A week before I died, the night I lost my virginity, I dreamed of a ship. Its black sails billowed maniacally in a heavy storm, its great wooden bow slicing through massive waves dark...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Ch. 8

I woke up the next morning to Nola licking my fur clean again, this time my chest and belly. My sleep-clouded brain didn't immediately catch what was happening, and when it finally...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Ch. 7

Two weeks after the Warden's last visit, I woke up thinking about Van for the first time in a while. He'd dragged Nola and me out into the dark beyond the Den for our first night of...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Ch. 6

I suppose it's a blessing that I can't go into detail about the days that followed the uh... incident, because I was unconscious for most of them. I survived, obviously, and thankfully...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Ch. 5

I would love to tell you I grew out of the stupidity of following my arch-nemesis out into the guard-infested and forbidden night of the Pit to try and murder someone twice my size with...

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