City Kitty
^\_^ ============= "city kitty" (c) sciucaro meet jake, a muscular, gray wolf with a tender heart, and his pal vinnie, a young fox with the physique of a college undergrad, with a slight shapely tone.
Stray Kitty
She blinked, unsure what to be more surprised about... the fact that kitty could talk, or the fact he was speaking english. either way, she had to say something. "you're in my car. i found you on the road, and... well... got you off the road."
Bad Kitty
"bad kitty... you are a bad kitty, peeing on the floor like that...", said kai, as he started gently patting avner's butt. kai's light pats gradually increased in severity, eventually reaching the level of a hard spanking.
Kitty Promise
"Promise?" she whispered in the dark cramped bedroom with one tiny bed crammed in with what looked like storage, boxes and crates everywhere. Full of Ale and Cigars, Rum and Toilet paper.. Two glowing eyes blinked slowly back at her. "I...
Captured Kitty
"good kitty. you make your owner feel sooo good..."
Kitty Sitter
As i said, he loves kitties and will behave rather well....or at least i hope he will! only joking of course, he might get a little well....frisky, but you should be just fine!
Smuggle Kitty
#8 of smuggle kitty travus awoke to find glacis sleeping next to him. they were naked and cuddling one another in their furry arms.
Smuggle Kitty
#7 of smuggle kitty it had been fifteen days since travus was brought to the underground caverns of the resistance. he had begun to feel better; his pounding headache had subsided about a week ago.
Smuggle Kitty
#6 of smuggle kitty rique awoke in a circular prison cell. his tail and eye implants had been removed. he surmised that they did a cavity search, since his rectum was sore. the wolf was still a bit groggy from the drugging.
Smuggle Kitty
All three women were injected with kitty. nipper was unaffected by the kitty as predicted. she was grieving for marcus. docelo: see, no effect. look at her phallus. blight: ok. let's leave her alone.
Smuggle Kitty
#3 of smuggle kitty rique awoke at about noon the following day. he heard the shower running in the bathroom; the sounds of alana's orgasm reverberating off the shower walls. she had found the shower massager.
Smuggle Kitty
Rique: it's a shipment of kitty. alana: kitty? what's kitty? rique: a drug produced on felicia. it's very hard to come by. marcus discovered a large batch would be available soon.