Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 70

Chris asked as the old butler tossed seed into a large pin full of torchic, natu, starly and fletchling. "for the most part, yes indeed... a rather soothing life really... although oftentimes i also assist the master with various business affairs...

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Canine Pokemon Tamer

I was just a natu back then, and didn't know what was happening. her mightyena, shadow's mother, cinder, told me that all females, human and pokémon alike, go into heat every few months.

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Questionable Content: The Live TF Gameshow: Episodes 1-17

natu... and... uh... absol?" the fox shrugged. "honestly, i don't know, so yeah, whatever," he said, tossing the pokemon question card away. the next dose of chemicals dripped down the iv into maloo's arm as the fox readied the next question.

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