The Moonweaver Chronicles part 8

As she was reeling in the sensations of our prodigious outputting, i began to construct a nest for our progeny.

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Emerald Maiden Chapter 11: You Can Run

Pivoting and changing direction i feint towards the parent but instead change for its injured progeny which i don't allow a chance to react.

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HIVE Mother - Chapter 3

As far as she was concerned, pumping out more of her kind was an excellent way to go, and following the wiles of her better half left her time to enjoy her progeny and all they did.

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Myre's Rebirth

Myre feels a sensation bubbling up within her, and the kobold turns to face the strange divine progeny. she rolls her own tongue out, letting the two kiss then and there. but she pulls back and she rests her forehead upon her 'sister's' and asks.

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Sylvari 3

You may outlive your human progeny, but the chicks you shall lay will continue both of our legacies for generations upon generations. doesn't that sound wonderful?"

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Baze and Xeno

Her shaft expands, the head swelling to keep the host of her progeny from leaving, but baze reaches down and squeezes at the ovipositor, blocking the entrance.

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The Family Name: Part One

She suspected that her father, the emperor, would soon find out what his progeny had been up to, and he would most certainly not look favorably upon the situation.

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Epilog 1 - Gina & Rachel

This tension grew with the bulging of her belly, drawing a perverse desire to see her progeny spring to life. the brood moved, fulfilling a deep urge within the vessel to birth healthy young.

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Clans of the Masquerade Prt 3

They then drain their future progeny to near death and toss them into the pit. if the mortal is able to find the heart and drink its blood, they will rise as a baali. if they can not, however, they will die from loss of blood.


A Cure By Any Means Necessary Chapter 2: Turning the Turian

#2 of a cure by any means necessary continuing his mission to secure the progeny of his race, grunt decides to tackle a hated enemy, bringing a certain turian down a notch. [if you like this work, i am still open for comissions!

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Collecting Reagents 2

She smiles at the sight of her progeny, but then pulls out her drawer, showing vials and vials of the alchemically preserved dragon seed. it's almost time for this little one's little sibling to be born.

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Feral Instincts Part 2

You are entwined to both of us through your progeny."

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