The Return to The Highlands, Final.

#26 of the spellsinger tales the final part of the return to the highlands series. from here on out, you will find the stories that follow in the goddess files.

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Fate Plays Tricks On The Best Laid Plans.

#14 of the spellsinger tales some years in the future...   as many of you know, jon-tom did finally win the heart of red-haired talea. they married, but he left for his own world soon after.

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From Barrow to Barrow, part 2

The spellsinger who traveled the cosmos; the human who bedded tigers, lions, leopards, horses, and bears." the boy looked sidelong at his new mentor. "bears and horses? be ye serious? ye be hung like a horse, no doubt, but a bear?

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The Return to the Highlands, Part 3

#22 of the spellsinger tales a continuation, hence part 3 it was strange seeing a feline in the palace who wasn't snow white. seeing three was even weirder.  seeleni, crasic and ghertu were there in the capacity of midwife.

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Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 9

Funny thing is, lobo is more famousright now than jon-tom the spellsinger. few seem to really know about whattranspired when i called forth menexma and thwarted the plated folks dangerousmagic." she looked askance, her eyes questioning.

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Scales and Stripes and Everything Nice.

#16 of the spellsinger tales this story is an offshoot from be careful what you look for...and where. you may recall that jon-tom left desagi-end to head out and meet up with his unicorn mate lorissa.

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Be Careful What You Look for...And Where.

#13 of the spellsinger tales jon-tom was pensive. he was nervous. he was tired of waiting. 

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