Sabhira's Daughter #8

"where's uber?" kitty asked, noting the big argonian hadn't followed them downstairs. "she thought it best if she stay in the room to guard our gear," said udaran. | [!

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CatDance #10

"uber!" kitty called to her friend who was just returning`. "yes?" "did you bring a tent or anything?" "just a sleeping bag. why?" "mikael has a small tent. we could all sleep in it tonight." | [!

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CatDance #30

See you later uber!" "goodnight kitty, goodnight mikael," the argonian said, turning back to her ale as they stepped towards the door. | [!

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CatDance #20

Helfer shot kitty a shocked look, but kitty gave her a nod for confidence before responding, "come on in uber!" | [!

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Krris #8

I'm so sorry uber! i'll go make the rounds right now!" "relax, krris. i've already done it. i understand you were up late last night." krris shot a worried look at muz-ra. "don't worry krris. i want and need no details.

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The Quest for the Holy Dildo #9

Because i'd really like to spend a little quality time with uber _right now_!" "oh, sure! take it off and you and uber can go at it like rabbits." muz-ra took the kilt from k'rris and sat down on a bench with a needle and thread. "um...

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Krris #6

If you and uber are going to be together, you need to come to the realization that your body is hers to enjoy as well as your own. now try and go to sleep."

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CatDance #15

"uber? are you alright?" ubergard seemed to struggle to focus on her friend, "oh, gods kitty. i..." she started, wide-eyed. then she seemed to compose herself before continuing. "i'm sorry, kitty. it's all a bit overwhelming for me.

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CatDance #26

"good morning mikael, uber. where's helfer?" ubergard replied apologetically, "still sleeping. mikael says you won't need me or her today?" "not bringing helfer?" kitty asked mikael.

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The white tiger of uber sexiness.

This was my first story on FA and, seeing as I will be comming bat to SF, mostly for the forum, I should go on ahead and try to give Sofurry another chance. For SexyWhiteTiger. It had been a few days since the cub had come to...

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CatDance #12

"uber! where are you uber?" kitty called. "ubergard!" mikael shouted repeatedly, but no response was heard. "nothing. well, up or down do you think?" asked mikael. "let's try down. i can't think of any reason she'd have gone up anyway." | [!

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Into the Pit Chapter 4: Movies are a bad first date

Her uber driver, an untalkative bloodhound, just kept his eyes on the road as the pitbull fidgeted in the passenger seat.

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