Tina's Story Chapter 60 The Dog Did It

TINA'S STORY CHAPTER 60 THE DOG DID IT Tina lay stretched out on the big fluffy bed. Naked, except for small flowered panties she wore because of her heat, She was enjoying a rare day home alone. Ray had taken the children to Stan and...

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BAD KITTIES - KITTIES in the CONVENT Felicia woke to a beautiful September morning. Stretching gracefully, the slender Siamese hybrid extended her naked form almost the full length of her little bed. She lingered a moment, taking in the full...

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Tina's Story Chapter 59 New Beginings

TINA"S STORY CHAPTER 59 NEW BEGININGS After she got her morning coffee, Tina returned to Felicia's cubicle, to find the Siamese hybrid staring at the computer on her desk, as if it were an alien spaceship. "Poor dear" Tina cooed. "You've never...

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Tina's Story Chapter 58a- Where we left off.....

Tina's Story Chapter 58 Where did we leave off? To Tina's fans, an apology. I've been on hiatus lately. Not deliberately, but now I'm back. And so is Tina. I hope that the cartoon version of 'A Country Outing' has kept you amused. The next...

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Tina's Story Chapter 58 Where did we leave off ? UNFINISHED

Tina's Story Chapter 58 Where did we leave off? To Tina's fans, an apology. I've been on hiatus lately. Not deliberately, but now I'm back. And so is Tina. I hope that the cartoon version of 'A Country Outing' has kept you amused. The next...

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A Foreign Holiday

A Foreign Holiday I needed to get away. Not wanted, needed. I'd just finished a huge writing assignment and I was burnt. So much so that my usual companion told me to go. I knew I needed to go, so I hit the internet, looking for...

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Tina's Story Chapter 57 Surprises

Tina's Story Chapter 57 Surprises Sean arrives home, and drops his dusty barn coat on the hall chair. He stops there in the hall, removing his boots, as the girls are likely asleep. He heads into the kitchen, and grabs a Pepsi from the frig....

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Tina's Story Chapter 56 I've Been to Paradise

Tina's Story Chapter 56 I've Been to Paradise. Colleen and Lydia are in the basement laundry room doing wash. They've been down there about an hour, doing clothes and talking. Colleen wears a white dress, her pregnant belly just beginning to show;...

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Bad Kitties II The Prequel

BAD KITTIES II The Prequel Life was never easy for Felicia and Felicity. Born to a drug addicted mother, and an alcoholic father, the Siamese twins were on their own from an early age. Lacking adult directions, the kittens came to rely on one...

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Tina's Story Chapter 55 SNIP! SNIP!

Tina's Story Chapter 55 Snip, Snip When we left Ray and Tina at the end of the last episode, they were in the midst of some steamy sex, when Ray realizes that Tina's sex induced frenzy put them on the fast track toward reality TV multi parenthood....

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Tina's Story Chapter 54 A Trip to the Water Park

Tina's Story Chapter 54 At the Water Park It was dark and bleak Sunday morning at Tina and Ray's house. It was about 30 degrees outside, and there was light snow in the air. Ray was reading his paper, while Georgette cleaned up from breakfast. The...

Tina's Story Chapter 53 A very Jewish Christmas

# Tina's Story Chapter 53: A Very Jewish Christmas It is in the wee small hours of the morning. Christmas morning. All the presents are wrapped, and under the tree. Everything is in place, and ready for the celebration...

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