The Dance

The male planting a few more powerful thrusts before burying himself in her daughter. his snarl washing over the females as he gave the younger wendi her first of the evening. feng was flabbergasted.

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Wild Card Smash

Cheek rubbed her neck, the bigger male planting a kiss there. "eh, what are they going to do? kick me out? i basically own the place." the trailing kiss turned into a bite, drawing a gasp from the corgi as she hurried to unlock the door.

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You Suit Me

Crawling across the bed on his hands and knees until he got do the edge, the dark furred male planted his foot down on the padded floor. the cross blushed a bit as he realized just how much his balance had shifted back from all that added weight.

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_did this guy plant something inside my brain to read my thoughts? oh, shit... please tell me i wasn't talking aloud. please, maia, please! i promise not to make fun of you ever again!_ "well?" brakkus asked, extremely uneasy.

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All That Glitters

His body moved forward to press against my own and i could feel his weighty maleness plant itself between my muscular globes. i hissed in pleasure as he unwound a knot in my right shoulder. the burning was a nice mix between pain and relief.

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Huffing to himself, the large male planted his butt on the concrete and pulled out his phone to pass the time. had plenty of things on there that didn't need data to work. not that he had to wait too terribly long.

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