Tales from Anthracite City 13: Fall of Apothecary

The fall of apothecary by psion all rights reserved it was snowing gently in the valley around the small post-apocalyptic town of apothecary, but then it was almost always snowing after

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End Love

In a distinct moment of clarity amid his deep breathing, Julius held onto his head and recollected the unfortunate turn of events that led him to his current situation: bleeding profusely as he hid from an extremely aggressive mutant creature, trapped...

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And With His Many Jagged Teeth 13 - He Laid Beneath The Earth

_"Is he still alive?" "His brainwaves are still erratic, but his body seems to be responding to all parameters." "That's good, he appears to be handling himself." "Yes...but...how?!? All my games...they-" "Enough about your goddamn ancient...

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Will of Chrome (Chapter 1, Ashfall)

Brief summary of what the story will be about: will of chrome will follow the adventures of a lone robot as he travels through the post-apocalyptic remains of the united states after a worst-case scenario yellowstone eruption ends civilization on the north

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A Dezolaat History

A Dezolaat History Call me Chronos for time no longer has any hold on me. I call myself a chronicler, one whose fate it is to record history as it happens so it shall never be forgotten. Sustenance I no longer require; I am immortal; the last...

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NanoWrimo: Flexible Survival 4/30

I woke up with a start to find my face buried in something warm. The female mutant that was attending me rose to her feet and bellowed, "He's awake!" The nanite infection had many infection vectors. One of them was the classic fluid exchange. It's not...

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The Last Agent of the Old World: Old Allies

Blargh, sorry for the delay (friggin writers block XP), I think I'm back on track. When we woke up the next morning I chose forgo buying a horse, and I was glad to leave when I did. Just as I was leaving I saw some people in the same armor that...

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What will Come Ch2

Okay chapter 2, this is a fresh copy so hopefully less grammar issues and spelling mishaps (I'm know for that), This chapter is the first time modern tech and the Phoenix, and it being some type of religion is first brought up. I hope you all like...

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Family Ties Ch. 1

You know how they say "when the shit hits the fan start running"? Well, this fan was by far too big to outrun. Of course, when a genocidal race of white supremesists invade all of Europe and most of Russia it is expected that this "fan" would be...

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Psalm of the Wasteland

Psalm of the Wasteland By human reckoning the year is 2112, a full 100 years from what has been called the "Day of Reckoning" for humanity. On that day in December 2012 the Xenophone, an alien race that refers to its as the Craft Masters, invaded...

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A Friend In The Wastes: The encounter

A Friend In The Wastes: The Encounter The husky walked into the room, a musty smell assaulting his nostrils. The room is dark and decrepit, the cement walls starting to crumble. He leaps back through the doorway as he sees movement in...

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Zombie Outbreak Part 1

NOTE: In the world were this story takes place there are Furries(Anthros), and Humans(who are now are zombies). The two groups got along well for the most part, although there were some individuals on both sides who hated, and distrusted the...

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