The Grove

Patamon woke up feeling all tired out. He sat up on the back of a truck. He looked around and asked, "T.K?" He quickly searched for a gun only to see he was empty handed. He got up and got off the blue truck. He walked to a fence. He looked back and...

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(Before Commandramon joined everyone at prison) Commandramon was once lost in the woods. He kept every stop short and simple. This brief moment of solidarity was some of the hardest moments. He was always low on ammo. His blue shades stuck out in the...

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After resting in the grass in the open field, Scourge and Emily got back up continuing their journey in the woods. They got out the road and saw a singular grey car. Emily and Scourge already had the routine under control. Scourge covered Emily as she...

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Claimed Standing before Tara are Star Fox, Falco and Krystal. Guilmon is unconscious still and Tara asked, "Where are you heading?" Star Fox held his gun down and said, "That's currently classified. But I can tell you that we have an important...

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Veemon's Happy Day

Veemon's Happy Day Monodramon led me and Tails up the mansion. I looked back to see the massive horror that was still dormant for the moment. It's hard shell still preventing us from making a move either. We made our way to the white room. As he...

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War of Reemon

Essentially everything had finally seemed peaceful. It only lasted a minute before everyone realized where they were was no better. There were still so many lives that lived on threads of hope. And there were still those who had the power to manipulate...

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Veemon looked out the sea. His arms wrapped around Agumon. He lingered over the words, 'I love you,' the calm sea was a pleasing sight. Veemon was still in the heat of the moment openly erect and pressing that very erection on Agumon. Veemon was just...

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Kade Versus Kiff

Earth has been consumed by the growing creature population the majority of the creatures of the creatures still being Digimon. Shady proportions were taking place in the dark back street corners. King Scourge remained in his chair a great deal of...

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High school, Memories and Occupation

High school, Memories and Occupation The days flew by and the summer ended. It had been a long time since any creature had spoken or had spent time together. Each individual had to prioritize their summer. But now those days had passed. Each...

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Prom Night

Controversy was in the air. Even though the time seemed appropriate to have a celebration of sorts. Tensions between the new Class A couldn't be higher. A lot of that controversy focused around Veemon who has gotten a lot of attention as of late. He...

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This sorrowful life

Veemon was leaning against the prison wall across from him was Blackveemon. Veemon asked, "Do you really think I made the right call?" Blackveemon sat up from the table, "You've been making the calls so far." Veemon said, "I still don't even know....

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Espio whispered to Mikemon, "Listen the governor plans on killing the people at the prison no matter what they do." Mikemon asked, "What?" Espio dragged her into the back of Tails' house. He led her to the vents above his secret chamber. Tails...

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