Ch.5 Crescendo

\*\*\* Ch5 Crescendo \*\*\* Dal tugged at the white collared shirt he wore. He rarely wore dress clothing, but today he was going to try to surprise Rick. Rick had given him flowers, but Dal had other plans. It didn't help that his slacks were...

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Ch4. Family Ties

\*\* Ch 4. Family Ties: \*\* Dalton stamped his hoof impatiently. He hadn't seen Rick since their practice session two hours ago, which had gone very well. Rick had seemed to get the point that he needed to grow, and Dalton was as kind as possible....

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Ch3. Strum und Drang

Ch. 3 Strum und Drang \*\* "No! You have GOT to stop thinking like a guitarist!" Dalten almost shouted at Rick. It was Weds. He'd made no progress on his composition, he had no idea what was going on between him and Rick, and Rick was being a...

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A willing student Ch2. Cadence and Discord

Chapter Two: Cadence and Discord \*\* Dalten lay in his bed and stared at the ceiling. He didn't have problems coming up with melodies or counterpoint exercises this time, now, this time he was wondering just what the future would...

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A willing student Ch 1.

Dalten sighed as he ran his thick fingers down his equine nose, his vision a little blurry due to fatigue. The sheet of music hadn't changed in the last 5 minutes, and he still didn't have any inspiration. The melody line was fine, the counterpoint was...

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Ch 13. (Mvt 2.) Overture

Ch.14 (Movement. 2). Overture. \*\* Chas had left that afternoon, with a promise for a visit tomorrow. Dal slept most of the day, and into the night. The next morning his phone woke him up with incessant ringing. Still sore, and sleepy, he lifted the...

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Ch12. The Devil's Chord

Ch: 12 The Chord of Evil \*\* Dal and Rick rode the train to the capital. They themselves lived in the Regional Capital, but the concert would be in the Provincial Capital. The ride was not as long as the ride to Illinois, but it did take some time....

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Ch11 Changes

Ch.11 \*\* Dal snorted. The riding crop slapped across his dappled rump with a heavy "Thwack!" The equine moaned and tried to bury himself deeper, but the huge horse collar and harness were holding him back. He cursed loudly, straining. Rick...

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Ch.10 Theme 2

Ch.10 Theme 2. \*\* The week passed quickly for Dal and Rick as they settled into a daily routine. Rick had quit his job as a barista, and focused all of his spare time on preparing for his gig with 'Dine.' Chas had indicated he and William would be...

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Ch9. Counterpoint

Ch9. Counterpoint \*\* "Moving out?" Seth's eyes widened and Val looked stunned. Rick canine grinned at the two lovers, then spread his shirt colar wide. "Remember this Seth?" Seth nodded, Val's eyes went wide. "'ve been marked? As in...

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Ch8 Moderato

\*\* Ch8 Moderato \*\* Rick stood in front of Dal's mirror. Dal laid asleep in the bed in the room beyond. He stared at the horseshoe imprint on his shoulder and turned to see the mirror on his back. "Oh hell!" Oh he knew he loved Dal, how could...

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Time for truth

The single solitary clock in the musty study ticked the seconds away and slowly chimed eleven times. Each chime was low and solemn. The old man seated in the leather chair opened his gray eyes. He glanced at the fire keeping him warm. He knew it was...

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