Gypsy Curse #1

Gypsy curse The clock on the bed stand read twelve midnight as the two furs kissed while laying in the bed together. A...

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Night of the Sex Zombies part 2

Rex Drove up to the front gate of the company he worked for and gazed over the sign (Daily Life Pharmacuticles) He shook his head. He worked on the night shift for security...

Night of the Sex Zombies part 1

The mysterious mass in the dark room howled "aaaaahhhhhhuuuu". The woman watched with inquisitive eyes holding a recorder to her lips. Looking on from another room adjacent to the dark one separated by bullet proof...

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Erotic Fairy Tales# 5: Three little pigs

Once upon a time there were three sexy little pigs. One day they went out on their own to start their own lives, and decided to build their own...

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Erotic Fairy Tales #4 Hansel and Gretel

**Hansel and Gretel** Once upon a time there were two sibling squirrels named Hansel and Gretel who belonged to an impoverished woodcutter. For months the food was...

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Erotic Fairy Tales #2 Cinderella

**Cinderella** Once upon a time there was a beautiful lioness named Cinderella and...

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Erotic Fairly Tales #1 Goldilocks

Once upon i time there was a young golden retriever skipping her way through the forest, her long golden curls dangled around her shoulders as she bounce along the trail. She wore long...

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Day of the Sex Zombies part 2

Several days later, night once again fell on a refugee like camp, a section of a small town fenced off with all sorts of barriers, ranging from chain link fencing to cement blocks. Hundreds of the horny ghouls pressed against the walls and fencing...

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Day of the Sex Zombies part 1

Ash lay on the couch in a small room peering through slightly open eyes at a T.V. That was running news programs. Everything that has happened in the past couple years, the plague that has swept across the Americas....nothing could stop it....and all...

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Invasion of the Sex Zombies part 2

Barbra slowly opened her eyes, an image of a fuzzy face slowly materialized into the face of a young wolf. "Oh...ooh..Ash she's awake." He called out not minding the horse's ears as she closed her eyes again at the sound of Terry's voice. Barbra sat...

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Invasion of the Sex Zombies part 1

Los Angeles Airport Control Tower "O.k, O.K! Calm down lady, I still don't really understand what your going on about. Where is your plane coming from and what is your problem so I can contact the appropriate authorities." The control tower...

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