Day 11 - Summon

You found yourself daydreaming about your "internship." In all respects, it was more like a kidnapping than an internship. You remember being swept up, strapped into a machine, and a long, hazy, comfortable blur until you were rescued by Director Vinyl...

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Day 10 - Gentle

You scratched at your neck wool anxiously, looking over the lab's budget once again for errors. You'd been putting together a comprehensive finance report for Director Vinyl for hours, and the thought of making even the slightest mistake, and losing...

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Day 9 - Collar

You were having extremely vague feelings of anxiety. Something just felt off, different - you couldn't put your finger on it. You felt uncomfortable; you couldn't find a position to sit in. You felt restricted, in an abstract way. Probably just...

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Day 8 - Pheromone

You could only vaguely remember the start. A trade that seemed too good to be true. You don't even remember what you gave up, but in return, you got a mature, intelligent, and beautiful Salazzle named Mia. You were excited to add her to your team. ...

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Day 7 - Song

You had been eagerly awaiting this night, like Christmas, for weeks and weeks: Myria live in concert, with front row seats. Sure, a Pokemon celebrity singer was a bit of a strange concept to grasp, but hearing the Primarina's angelic voice even once...

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Day 6 - Pendulum

"Traveler!" A feline called out to you from the side of the road. A snow leopard, who seemed to glow in the moonlight after the sun had set. Her fur shone with glittering jewelry, ears draped with golden chains. She smiled alluringly at you as you...

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Day 5 - Visor

This job was different than your usual. You and most other hackers got your tasks from a deepweb message board, where punks like you showed off the stuff they'd hijacked, plotted group work, and competed to see what the most prestigious domain you...

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Day 4 - Psychic

Their party was split up. It was full blown worst-case scenario: after an encounter with some kind of entity had gone south, the party's mage found himself completely alone in the dark of the tomb, using his staff to light his way as he searched...

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Day 3 - Stage

"Up next, item number 158." The auctioneer called out, silencing the crowd as he beckoned you out onto the stage with his finger. Hesitantly, you obeyed, your hooves clopping against the wood floor as you took center stage and squinted out into...

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Day 2 - Coils

Master hissed in satisfaction, his coils sliding steadily into the warm water as you gently poured a jug over his shoulder. You'd done this many times, and next came your favorite part - cleaning his scales. Being the powerful naga that he...

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Day 1 - Instant

You were very warm. Steam and light filled the air around you, and you realized you were ankle deep in hot water, in some kind of bath house. Your mind raced. How did you get here? You racked your scattered thoughts in an attempt to trace down...

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Unlike the rest of the Lure, the hookah lounge was drenched in a red glow that, combined with the volume of steam in the air, created a hazy, dark, and atmospheric room. The whole room seemed to slope down to the large, shiny, silver hookah, surrounded...

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