
There are a gazillion and one stories on the internet about how people discovered zoophilia and made it a part of their lives. I am going to tell you my very true story about my introduction to bestiality and the events that followed. My name is...

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A Dragon's Love: Bellatrix

Valor had spent quite a while, many hundreds of years in fact, acquainting himself with godhood, or perhaps reacquainting, but after so long and so much drawling work to keep the world turning, he had begun to grow rather...bored. When his life had...

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Mark of the Chosen - CH.1 Revised

Valor was sick of the tired old story. He had been given this same heavy book every year. He was told to read it in preparation for the summer festival--something that was supposed to be a good time was always ruined before it began by the damn book!...

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The Mark of the Chosen - Ch. 1

The summer solstic was always a time when the world celebrated another year come and gone. It was a celebration of warmth, life, fertility, harvest, creation and rebirth. The old legends said the Goddess created the world and all in it in a brilliant...

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A Dragon's Love: Outside Influence

Calling out to the stars above and around, the goddess arched her back, gripping her ample breast tightly with one hand while the other disapeared into her womanhood. Her muscles squeezed and milked her fist at the same time it gushed, squirting her...

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Flamefeathers - Ambush

She'd had to walk the better part of the day to get back to Medinah from the small village she'd emerged in. But she'd made it, and she was totally dry by the time she came through the sandstone walls! She wandered through the bustling midday streets...

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Star Fox: Escape

They had told her to stay put, told her they were going to take care of something and that they'd be back for her, Ebony and Marc. They took Fox and left. They were fools to leave the door unlocked. Her twin children had not yet been defiled, but the...

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Furry Vengence

Catlin and her mother strode silently through the empty park hand in hand, content to pass unheard through the open area. It was late afternoon, and the park was deserted. The two felines walked with smiles on their faces, though their ears and eyes...

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Star Fox: Rescue

"It's been ten years! We've searched every planet Lylat has to offer! Star Wolf has to have them!" the green-skinned frog Slippy Toad said, folding his arms over his chest as he stared across the briefing room at Falco Lombardi and the droid ROB, the...

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Star Fox: Insurrection

Space around the Sargossa spacestation was quiet, still, moreso than the last time an Arwing had circled the large structure. There were no battleships, no starfighter squadrons, and strangly enough, no Star Wolf. This was counterproductive by every...

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Star Fox Memorium

She had passed out after the wonderful session with her twins and Fox. When she awoke, they were all exhausted, asleep, and still buried knot-deep in the little panther cub. Krystal carefully dislodged Fox, urging him away before she tucked the twins...

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Avatar - Tsahaylu

She had been stalking her prey for a long time. The beast eluded Lelurani, crawling through thick brush, over fallen trees, through narrow caves worn by other passing animals over Eywa knew how many seasons. Palulukan were not often the creatures that...

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