Click to Grow

Minimizing his browser, ty opened up python. at last some of his coding experience would be put to good use. he quickly wrote up a program for a mouse macro to automatically click for him.

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The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Tony the Cougar

They were blocks of compressed meat like jerky, and we carnies love the stuff, much to the disgust of our browser buddies!

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Repeat your question, standing your ground

It is meant to be a basic browser hyperlinked interactive fiction version that i made using squiffy that is located on my website:  posted using postybirb you adamantly stand where you are as

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Run like hell

It is meant to be a basic browser hyperlinked interactive fiction version that i made using squiffy that is located on my website:  posted using postybirb you turn and dash toward the far side

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Move up to the snorlax, ignoring the bear

It is meant to be a basic browser hyperlinked interactive fiction version that i made using squiffy that is located on my website:  posted using postybirb the bear continues looking at her phone

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Kneel down next to the jackalope and pet the mudkip on the head

It is meant to be a basic browser hyperlinked interactive fiction version that i made using squiffy that is located on my website:  posted using postybirb the mudkip pulls away for a moment

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Kneel down beside the mew to pet it on the head

It is meant to be a basic browser hyperlinked interactive fiction version that i made using squiffy that is located on my website:  posted using postybirb as you kneel down to pet the mew, it

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Approach them and say another person shouted and ran away

It is meant to be a basic browser hyperlinked interactive fiction version that i made using squiffy that is located on my website:  posted using postybirb you tell them and point in a random

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Approach them confessing it was you

It is meant to be a basic browser hyperlinked interactive fiction version that i made using squiffy that is located on my website:  posted using postybirb they come toward you as you flail and

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Back away from the situation

It is meant to be a basic browser hyperlinked interactive fiction version that i made using squiffy that is located on my website:  posted using postybirb you back up tripping and falling right

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Ask how far along are you

It is meant to be a basic browser hyperlinked interactive fiction version that i made using squiffy that is located on my website:  posted using postybirb the phone droops in her paws and she

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Say Excuse me maam where am I

It is meant to be a basic browser hyperlinked interactive fiction version that i made using squiffy that is located on my website:  posted using postybirb the bear stops with her phone when

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