Love Me As If There Were No Tomorrow (Chapter 12)

\>you reach the bunker and input the code you were given to open up the bunker of the brotherhood of steel. \>the only issue is you're met with a laser rifle to your face. \>again \>"who are you?

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Escaping the War

Any alotians in the ethereal bunker would have suffocated and/or been extradimensionally-melted when their bunker's physics-pressurization-field was "popped" by the detonation.

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No Tressspasssing

As he approached the bunker, the gate was obviously not going to stop him, it was so rusted all he had to do was give it a shove with his boot to send it screeching onto the concrete floor of the bunker approach.

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Raseri: The Unbreakable Bond (prologue)

The room was one of the biggest in the bunker i had seen. the walls were lined with computers and instruments reading vital signs and supplying power to a pod in the middle of the room. the pod was beat up.

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Wherever You Are, I'm Never Far

The mere suggestion that the shrews and moles of the bunker hadn't merely walked out the front door got the mouse shouting, squeaking and frantically waving his arms about.

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The War Chapter 1

The bunker was near collapse, the anti-tank round had nearly destroyed it. luckily for mal, it hadn't brought the ceiling down. getting up weakly, he leaned against one of the walls of the nearly-collapsed bunker.

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A New World Part 5

The a bunker...but not any bunker but one of 'our' bunkers. an underground bunker of the united states of america.

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Ch. 11 -- Exodus

Shannon finished her cup, regretted it, then swept from the bunker into the roaring wind while everyone was distracted.

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World Divided: Chapter 5 - Negative Forces

There you will encounter trenches, bunkers, tanks and small mobile infantry units.

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Evolution - Chapter 1

After a few moments, the door swung open even more and revealed the bunker's inhabitants. auren and his friends looked around warily at the small basement cellar where the bunker was.

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"First Contact"

They were hustled into several different vehicles that rushed them directly to the cheyenne mountain bunker. even as they arrived, armed escorts ran up to the vehicles and rushed them over to the security post at the entrance to the bunker.

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