Estrasa's Tower: Prologue

Somehow, the book and estrasa's influence came upon the dragon's heir tribe, as if placed by providence, or at least by some mastermind's hand. generations ago a human who became a kobold was tasked by estrasa to spy on an enemy tribe.

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The Tides of War

Become yasha's heir... or be denounced from the throne and home entirely.

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Papa Prakibak

The whole way down, however, the dig boss is undeterred in his mission and marches ever onward to a place of privacy among the tunnels of the dragon's heir.

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Roni, Lyon's Father

Kill the only heir i have?" roni shouted but his wife remained calm as she thought things over carefully. "relax honey.

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Raz Drakken

Well, it should be fine, even if they are below normal hatch weight, they are still healthy baby dragons and we have gotten our heir, which is what counts."

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Tikana vs Mayve 3

heir to a dragon and everything. i guess you can't win everything, when everything's just given to you, huh?" tikana opens her mouth, but all that comes out is a gasping cough.

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Izon vs. Tikana 1

I'm no longer doing research for the dragon's heir tribe. i'm my own kobold whose study is for myself." elicia smirks at that. "now, doesn't that sound familiar? where have i heard such sentiments before?

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The Messengers 1

"oh, great and magnificent tikana, queen of kobolds, heir to the great wyrm. i am trosh, son of drosh. ambassador of the high dwarven council of the republic of low targrin.

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The Overture

Upon the age of accession, each male potential heir would be given a test to prove that they were a worthy heir, and were hooked up to the crude, original version of the device.

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Special Content: Getting the mate

Your heir now has his mate and the love of the village is stronger than ever! i thank you my friends and family even those that could not be here today! i thank you!"

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The King Takes it All - Part 7

Are... are you going to marry me off to your heir?" "oh nala... i have no heir... not yet." scar stated gently and then he gave an almost cruel grin. "besides, you were for my nephew and i could never think of anyone but him being with you.

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intertwined. part one

He says the firstborn of his first litter will be the heir no matter what, dammit. even if they aren't a boy. it's not like it should matter, fuyuhiko and peko both agree.

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