The Patchwork Soldier part VII

_WHAM!_ Somethinglike an old-fashioned freight train slammed into the _Nautilus_. "_What happened?"_ I yelled over the howling emergency claxon. "Heavy Magcannon round, Deck 17. " Reported the Damage Control (DamCon)...

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Halo: FUBAR Chapter 07 - Objects in mirror

WARNING The stunts in this episode were performed by professionals, so for your safety and the protection of those around you, do not attempt any of the stunts you're about to read about. _"Hi, I'm Sergeant Sawyer, and you're reading Halo:...

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Pokémon Schnapps/Tequila/Daiquiri Chapter 2

AN: Here's the second chapter, kinda late but better late than never. There were delays from the AGNPH drama and then normal life delays and my inability to get in the mood and just write. In any case if anyone has little jokes to put at the...

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Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace Chapter 8

Here is chapter 8; I started getting ideas for different tangents that goes along with the main plot a few days ago but when I tried to remember them earlier today I couldn't, but thank god I remembered to write them down on paper before I forgot. So...

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Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace Chapter 4

Sorry about the wait, I had a uber case of writers block, but thanks to some imput from a couple of friends, Lilsprout thanks for the suggestions again by the way, I've come up with another chapter. In addition their may be some sparks of passion...

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In His Mind

Eventually, the bottle of fine spirit wine was finished and the two changed into their regular outfits. Steel made sure that his gun was loaded, cultists rarely listened to logic and reason. Even the Grim Reaper made sure that she could swing her...

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The Breaking Point: Chapter 2

I woke up in a cot, in a military style tent, which seemed to be quite new. About ten seconds after I woke up, I realized I had one hell of a headache! "Ah, so G.I. Joe awakens! How does your head feel young man?" asked somebody in the room. I...

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The New Secretary

A short, humorous look at language problems the new secretary by afril - edited by chaos blackwing (cl) the gay furry association m/m - implied, humor i waited for my new secretary to arrive.

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True Colors

Steel could barely hold on to the grocery bags as he hit the "3" button the in elevator. He was the only one that could actually go shopping without causing a major issue, and so he was often volunteered. Since last week, Cleopatra had made more...

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Of Vampires and Men

Sabrina had lined up another contract which took Steel out into the middle of nowhere. A small rural town without much value or reason to visit. However, a vampire had been attacking livestock and some of the townspeople. Aqua had filed papers more...

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Another Day

Steel reached towards the sky and summoned Pegasus, the flying horse. It had served well as his steed in the past, and today would be no exception. He jumped high onto the horse and flew towards the demon prince, still rising from the ground. ...

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Chapter 4: The Gorge

That old question came back up and Akiana asked Walker how would they kill such a thing. He said he didn't know if they could. Leave it to a wolf to tell you something you already know. They pushed ahead towards the entrance of the lands where the...

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