
When the compressor arrived at their door, the fotter and the otter knew their lives were going to be different. Both had just been using bike pumps, hoses, and various other means before that moment. The universe had other plans for them though, as...

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Hopelessly Stuck

Red pandas were never meant to be fat. They were lithe creatures, usually short in stature, and with a massive tail to boot. Looking more like a raccoon than a panda, they generally snuck under the radar of society, and instead of seeming as though...

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The Desert Trap

Myra shielded her eyes, looking over the flat, sandy ground into the distance. The sun beat down all around her, the air shimmering as heat reflected off of the earth. Luckily, the hippogryph's white feathers on her top half deflected most of the heat....

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"Hope you're hungry!" woke up Lug Nut with a start. The fox had no idea where he was, but as his eyes shot open and he went to move, he knew that he wasn't where he had fallen asleep. The fox had gone to sleep in his bed, same as he did nearly every...

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Sudden Cake

Krasus groaned, having to duck again under the doorway before him as well as shuffle sideways through it. The green-scaled dragon had never once cursed his sizable frame, both in height and girth, but dungeon-diving wasn't exactly conducive to being as...

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Huffing in the befouled air seeping out of the door before him, Dexter's tail slowly began to twitch above the swell of his rump. Both glee and lust bubbled up inside of the lapine as he reached for the door handle before him, giving it a light twist...

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No, just his ass alone could be enough fat to immobilize a dozen furs twice-over, and still leave their owner beached on the most comfortable seat one could possibly imagine.

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Swirling Bonds

"The name for this place sure is strange," remarked Russ as he glanced up at the dimly-lit neon sign above the door. The German Shepherd was somewhat wary of the dive that he was being led into, but Hyphy had assured him time and time again that the...

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Kent knew that he should have stayed home. He missed his sofa, his television, his snacks... All of those things weren't there with him, and with no cell phone signal and no map, it looked like he wasn't going to be finding his way back to them anytime...

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Felidae Obesus (Free Sample!)

It was not as though my alter-ego would have set out a water dish for my immobile ass.

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Breaking The Cage

It was a cycle that had rendered him far beyond immobile, and yet one that he knew he would be trapped in until... well, he had no idea.

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King Dolby

Dolby had always known that he was going to be king. This was no secret to him, nor to those that had known the pink fox for longer than a few moments. That fact alone was obvious about the vulpine, and yet it was something that had come as a shock to...

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