Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty-One

"I'm worried about my boy." Dagen pulled a used paper napkin out of his pocket and wrung it in his hands, absentmindedly twisting it this way and that. Even though dead air was generally discouraged while on long-distance vid calls, he was glad that...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty-Two

From the chair in his private office, Negin Mal glared down at his personal guards from the raised platform he'd had constructed behind the desk to enhance his psychological advantage. To Mal's consternation, Victus's air of cool detachment hadn't...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty-three

Ceremony completed, the older man turned and walked away without a backward glance, leaving the lupine to pilot himself out of the compound.

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Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty

Negin Mal was as perturbed as Victus had ever seen him. "Is this really necessary?" he spat, his single-minded resistance against the inevitable reminding Victus of the time he had given Master Uhlu's cat a flea bath. Leland took his attention away...

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In Fair Verona Where We Lay Our Scene

The older wolf clacked away on an old adding machine, looking up when jeff's paw hit the table. he glanced down at the cash, then up at jeff, before slipping his glasses off his muzzle.

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The Lock - Early Short Story Attempt

**The Lock** **By: Sean M. Walley** The clatter of .50 caliber shell casings rang off of the deck of the Huey chopper in a challenging howl to the weaker yips of AK-47 rifle fire from the tall grass that flew by below. I shifted my weight to lean...

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Whatever Will Come

The wolf felt me relent too, and he sank deeper, inch after hot lupine inch, his paw wrapped around my tail to stop me sliding further forwards.

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Lupine Lemons, Ch. 6 - How Omegas Fuck

In fact, as garth's smug face shifted from wolf to wolf, from their faces to their rumps to their own impressive lengths, he only seemed to grow more confident.

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Lupine Lemons, Ch. 7: Big Rump Energy

#12 of lupine lemons humphrey is all ready to head home for a good night's sleep after a particularly-busy night with the omegas, but a certain portly wolf has other plans.

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Codex Lupine: Prefaec: Vol #1 of Steam and Fur

The wolves were led by one individual wolf, who went by a strange name, this wolf had plans for the negatives to bring forth the down fall of humanity, and leave wolf as supreme masters of the world.

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Maybe a Bit... #3

Just as i was about to cum i grabbed brady's mouth, already pushing into a lupine muzzle, and jammed it around my spurting cock. he slurped it eagerly, making me look sexually restrained by comparison... oh, gods was it hot...

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Pack Mentality - Chapter Nine

He may not by a dire wolf but nor was he the grey wolf breed they were expecting. there was a moment of fairy tale horror, a stillness only caused by the receding shoreline of a tidal wave or the hover before a knife fall.

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