Welcome to the tombs

I was finally cleared of the mess. All the B.O.W.S were wiped out and only walkers remained. Even though I was alone I managed to get it done. Now all I had was time to gather supplies and rebuild what I had lost. It was not clear if anyone else had...

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Summer Camp 2: Times of Grace

Race for Glory- Summer Camp Summer was now half way over. Keeping secrets were long dead. Now everyone knew Dorumon and Impmon were gay. Gabumon might have had a few bad weeks but he made sure that their lives were going to be miserable too. It...

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Summer Camp

Summer Camp School was out and most of the Digimon partook to the summer camp program. Among them were Dorumon, Veemon and Impmon who had their share of secrets. There was also Gabumon who was looking for any moment to jump Dorumon. There was...

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A Trial of Love

A Trial The math class carried out longer than Veemon had anticipated. Now that he no longer had any more of his classes Indy the urge to wait to see him grew. Vince had only time to slip a note at his locker. The message said to meet him at...

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Transfer Students

Transfer Students Gatomon and Dorumon had made there way to Agumon's house. Agumon had been sitting on the couch playing his guitar. Gatomon entered in first both of them coming in unannounced. Agumon didn't realize that only not they had...

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Playing Doctor

Playing Doctor There was a young Digimon by the name of Veemon. He had been friends with the slightly older Agumon. Agumon had already learned the basics of sex. Such ideas came and went from time to time. Veemon had known nothing of the subject....

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Rebirth of Reemon

Rebirth of Reemon Our darkest dreams came true. Our reality became bent by the very fabric of time. When did we lose ourselves? We dive into the brink of insanity. We search for answers that fall into darkness. We let our minds slip away by a...

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Rebirth of Reemon 2

Rebirth of Reemon 2 Patamon and Gatomon sat in the sand in the limbo plains resting between the gateway to darkness and light. It was the most romantic sight these two had encountered in a long time. The stars gleamed brightly. They didn't think of...

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Returning the favor

Returning the Favor The sound of dripping water had finally started to irritate the blue dragon. Veemon was able to move freely around this head quarters. He went to the roof for the first time seeing the light. He knew that tomorrow would be the...

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Playing Doctor 2

Playing Doctor 2 After Veemon's and Agumon wild game of tag Veemon was tuckered out. Agumon carried him back to his house. Agumon plopped Veemon on one of the long couches. Agumon went downstairs to see Impmon had been there and had fully rested....

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Enemy Within

Veemon was still going berserk killing several walkers with the axe he took from Kiff. The blood had gotten on his face but he was determined to get vengeance. Gatomon looked at the new baby Kiff held and said, "We need to get that baby some formula."...

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The Prison

A door busted open as Veemon entered in gun risen he shot two walkers and singled the rest to come in. Kiff spread off into another room and cleared it. The others came in like a well oiled S.W.A.T team. Yill belly was extended and she was of the last...

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