Team Valiant/Os-Nadarra: The Next Journey

A few days passed since the end of the contest on Team Warmachine's island. All of the members of Team Valiant returned to their homes back in the vicinity of the secluded town, not the least of which Luke returning to his house with his two guests,...

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Chapter 2: The Competition

The Os-Nàdarra Sentinels Arc Three: The Overlords Chapter 2: The Competition -January 18th 2011-             Two weeks had passed since Volcan's near-death experience of having the darkness within his body separated from him. In that time, the Fire...

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Pokemon: QATM Chapter 13

Pokémon: Quest of a True Master Chapter 13 -6 days remaining- Mark pushed open the doors to the Pokémon League's main entryway, the colourful, red and gold barriers groaning in protest as they parted for the Hoenn trainer as he stepped through....

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Finale-Future Plans

Later on, Luke's group was getting ready to leave Team Warmachine's island; with the tournament now over, there was no reason to stay, so they gathered whatever belongings they had from the cruise ship to take them to the new boat given to them by...

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Contest Part 4

Team Valiant's lounge... "WHOO!" Volcan cheered, jumping for joy while, behind him, Sickle passed ten Poke'dollars to Hank, since he had won the bet. "Way to go, Wade! I was worried for a second there." Hank grinned and took the money from Sickle,...

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Contest Part 3

Kaen proceeded to hide out in Volcan's room, keeping well out of sight of the rest of his team as Luke and Volcan returned to the battlefield; the next round was announced to start soon, with Team Valiant vs. Team Sickle, meaning their Grovyle friend...

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Contest Part 2

After Sol was removed from the ship, the matches were postponed for the rest of the day, to perform maintenance on the fighting arenas and see to it that nothing distracted the medics from treating those in the Infirmary. The following morning the...

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Contest Part 1

The group was shown to its rooms shortly after everyone received their numbers. Spectators and competitors shared different parts of the ship, but Kaen made an exception for Serena, understanding she had come there with Team Valiant even if she wasn't...

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The next day... Luke awoke early as usual, stretching and heading for the kitchen to prepare breakfast for his family and his guest. However, upon taking a quick walk around the house he noticed Volcan was nowhere to be found. "...Volcan?" Luke called...

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Team Valiant

Luke emerged from the hospital, breathing a sigh of relief; all the survivors were admitted and the Machop that was poisoned would soon make a full recovery; it seemed an ordinary antidote had been all it took to cure the poison, even with the...

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Stranger(s) in a Strange Land

The sky shone brightly in the mid-afternoon sky. Luke, a Lucario was heading into a nearby town with a list in his paw, reviewing a small shopping list as he headed for the market, walking through the aisles and picking out specific groceries from his...

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First Offense

**Voyages of the Mara** Chapter 6: First Offense It had been a dreamless night for Felix, but he got the sleep he needed for the next day. After Amber and Jessica boarded the ship the shark went for a nap in her room, while the doe checked in...

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