Prey Therapy

-1- You were always a pretty anxious sheep, and being anxious around wolves is normal - nearly every sheep you now is at least a little tense around wolves. Even the brave ones. You are not a brave sheep. Wolves terrify you. Something about...

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"You have nice eyes, by the way." You turn. There's a short, somewhat handsome bat, chin on his wing, smiling at you. "Uhh. Thanks." You say, stretching your neck in mild discomfort. If you didn't know better, you'd think the bat's pupils...

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Nex in the Gardens

Nex squinted at the sign. "Botanic Garden" really wasn't the right word for it. It used to be the "Botany Lab" but then it became so overgrown it could hardly be called a "lab" anymore. So he changed it to a "Garden", but then it got him thinking. Was...

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Winter Break

"Can you see me?" Sal's mom asked. The large, silver dragon lady peeking into her webcam and adjusting her shirt. "Yeah, Mom, I see you." Sal replied, scooting his laptop and smiling as she waved. "Ooh, did you guys decorate the place a...

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Individual Attention

"First time?" The bartender asked. You flinched, and turned on the stool to face a friendly-looking blue dog with a knowing smile. You nodded, trying to regain some of your confidence. "It can be a little overwhelming." He said, laughing...

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A Bad Deal

"Hmm, well, maybe I don't need your soul" Said the wolfish demon, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "Oh?" You said, desperate for some way out of this situation - losing your soul was a fate worse than death, you'd heard, and you had to find his way...

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Finals Week

It was the end of Fall Quarter, which means finals week was looming and putting a massive damper on the conflicting vibe of Christmas spirit. Their battle was depicted no better than yours and Sal's shared apartment, which was decorated with Christmas...

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You are a fluffy, shy, dependable sheep working on a space station. Your name is Valentine, but everyone calls you Lenti. Well... actually, they don't. They call you "Maid" or "Janitor." But the few people you used to communicate with off-station would...

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Relaxing With Sal

After a long day at work, you were happy to get back to your cool pad, a hot pizza in hand, backpack weighing on your shoulders from class earlier today, and every part of you feeling tired and heavy. It took you a few tries to get the key into the...

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Night Shift

You are Femanon, working the night shift at the bot clinic. And you love your job. You are somewhat acquainted with Anon, the guy who works the day shift, but you don't know too much about him other than that he seems like a pretty nice guy and the...

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Bhijn is a Cute Bot

You are Anon, and you just started a new job debugging robots at a bot clinic. It's actually pretty fun. They show up, with their cute little synthesized voices, in all shapes and sizes, and they try to explain what's wrong as you plug into them...

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An Attractive Sylveon

"Hey." A voice whispered from the alley. The Lucario jumped, his ears swiveling to face the direction of the voice, taking a cautious step toward it. "Hello?" He called out, looking around the dark, empty street. He really hoped he wasn't about to...

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