No One Should be Alone on Christmas

**No One Should Be Alone on Christmas** A Story By: G'lek Winter in Alto Mare was mild. The sea kept the temperature warm and the humidity high. Still, the citizens of the city always managed to have a white Christmas. Several years, the snow fell...

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When Friends are Feeling Down

If you don't want anything, you can just make yourself comfortable." judy plopped herself down in the middle of nick's former blanket taco. she sat near the edge, her footpaws pressed together, and her forepaws held them.

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The Unseen

We are the ones who comfort you. we are the ones who risk it all because we care. we are the ones you always forget. we are the ones on the playground getting bullied. we are the ones in the corner keeping you safe.

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Words of true Love

And that´s what i think that true love really is, the trust in your partner and the comfort you give each other as you also respect the others freedom.

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The Evils of Truth and Love: Returning to Altomare

The weather was always perfect, the light was bright enough to make looking comfortable, but not too bright. there was never any wind to disturb the peace. ash looked around, remembering his way about.

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Rocket Raccoon Comforted III

Through the miracle of the Forge, she had been restored to life. She'd met her raccoon's human and Rocket had tried to explain the relationship they had; Lylla thought she understood it - the strange, non-sexual, yet...

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Princely Prices for Paternal Sins (Warning: Penectomy)

The back of the cart was stuffed with so many things that Llewelyn was almost certain that if their captors didn't plan to kill them, they'd be bruised from top to bottom just from the barrels slamming into them from every angle. The road was...

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5. Seeking Solace (100 Theme Challenge)

I've chased after tails hoping to find that one soul to comfort me, to bind with my own - do they exist? i know not. because of this, the searchcontinues.

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Story that got me a perfect score on the SAT

Prompt: Write about a time when you were afraid and eventully got over your fears and accomplished something great. This one time i was taking a very important test and after doing very well on the multiple choice i got to the essay portion of the...

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From Fire to Frienship

Tomorrow's another big day of sitting on our asses doing nothing," i said falling back into the comfort of a down pillow i had sent up to me.

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Going Home p. 30-60

He did up the string on his pack, adjusted the strap and made certain it sit comfortably across his chest and between his wings. he checked his bedroll, too, and tucked it together a little more tightly.

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Going Home p. 1-30

His mother had insisted upon his lying down before she left him, and she had adjusted the pillows for utmost comfort, and she had tucked him in.

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