Kayla: Forces in Movement

"i'm not detecting any force fields or barriers, but there is an unknown energy signature present. just barely.

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Task Force - This is Not a Drill

#2 of task force it's been two years. two long years of training. it's hard to believe i'm twenty now.

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Task Force - Improvements

#10 of task force ndc document h74a9 classification: none subject: access to restricted biomedical chemicals for further testing. to: doctor caroline hall, civilian dr.

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Task Force - Perspective

#6 of task force video playback helmet cam: c210 the white world passed beneath the aircraft as it sped across the tundra.

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Task Force - Extraction

#12 of task force as i sat on the spirit of silence, being shuttled to allan air force base, my mind began to wonder.

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Task Force - Departure

"task force, let's move out!" we arrived at the armory to find several large crates open in the room.

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Task Force - FNG

"welcome to the task force. we're going to make a great team."

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Task Force - The Hack

I joined the rest of the task force in the classroom where a series of mannequins were standing with strange looking outfits on them.

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Task Force - Rescue

#3 of task force i stepped out of the jet and stumbled as my body adjusted to walking. i looked around. we had touched down at an allied air force base.

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The Four Forces: Prologue

He will try to make a pact with one of the four forces and use it to try to destroy your family and the entire land!

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Blunt Force Happiness

Nocti's journal. It's only be a couple of days since I became Mistress Vega's second lead pet, and shi's alread taking me to the main VegaCorp training facility on a world called Occamier (Ah-kou-me-er). Apparently, one of hir new "display" employees...

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Armageddon Forces by RDC

We never give thanks, to the unknown forces that gave us life... life has always been taken away, from the forces that surround us... we need to give life back to the forces...

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