The Slave's Tale, Chapters 1 and 2

The runt and ox were two of the first they took to examining. it was a far more physical examination than the runt had expected.

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The new dinosaur (part 15) the friendly Indominus

We gathered around the runt, 007 said "tell me when!" with whatever might we had, we lifted the runt. "back up!" i shouted and the truck slowly moved back.

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Mesozoic Park (Part 18)

The rex and the the runt pinned, the rogue hissed at the runt.

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Mesozoic Park (Part 14)

They where nothing, as the team started firing darts, the indominus runt roared and drew close enough that we had to run again.

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Mesozoic Park (Part 15)

The runt looked over at me before turning her head again, seeming afraid to make eye contact.

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Ch. 4 Dieing is easy its living thats a pain in the ass

As we pulled on our uniforms runt came back in. "wtf were you guys doing!?!" "can we talk about this later runt?"as the sound of a machine gun fireing filled the air.

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Ch. 3 The Devils Courtyard

runt said as he crawled over from his spot. "yeah. you got one?" "i got a portable mortar" runt said his tail wagging almost getting shot off from the spray of lead above them.

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The new Dinosaur (part 14)

The runt stepped trough the trees and roared, he was close enough that drops of spit and blood landed on us. i was terrified... but i found myself stepping forwards, closer to the runt. i bared my teeth, growled and said "get... lost... now!"

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Doctor Thomas Part Two

"_ thomas said with a smile of his own as he beheld the runts cute ass _"is your master in?"_ the runt frowned sadly _"i'm afraid i am the master.

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The King Takes it All - Part 13

Hearing that sound encouraged runt to clamber on, feeling the warm, wet, tightness of the lioness' passage around her length and drawing her in. runt was surprise, it was not like this with female hyenas at all!

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The new dinosaur (part 13)

The biggest one was asserting her dominance, a relatively harmless act for most animals, but she didn't know her own strength and was killing the runt. the runt pushed away and tried to claw its way up the cement wall.

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